Strange Sounds from the Sky
Strange, unidentified sounds have been heard for years over communities of all kinds the world over. Ranging from the insidious "Roar", which I have personally heard myself, to the unsettling "Voices" and "Shrieks" which haunt those who have encountered them.
This video compiles some of the best s...
Strange Sound From Sky in Devon
Strange sound that seemed to come from the sky at Meldon Dam in Devon. It was incredibly loud and extremely close. The sound was witnessed by 3 other families on the day.
Strange Sounds Heard in the Skies of Queensland, Australia - 22/1/2012
We were out for a walk when we heard these strange noises, similar to what others have been hearing in other parts of the world, coming from the sky. It should be noted that storm clouds were rolling in at the time they were heard. Anyone have any idea of what could be causing this?
Strange sound in Finland
Strange sound from the sky in Tammela, Finland 10.02.2012. The voice lasted almost 10 minutes. My camera`s microphone is quite shitty, so the noise is not so scary as it was in real life.
Strange sound in Kiev again Aug.11.11. Опять странный звук в Киеве 11.08.11
Видео от 3 августа:
Для уточнения, район записи на Осокорках,
улица Княжий Затон, д 17.!! (Запись велась пользователем
1) И так, у нас есть комментарий JukeJointBiz,...
The Hum extrange sounds in the sky in spain (21/8/2013)
I have heard this same sound on the beaches of galicia (Spain) is a very striking strong sound, the origin is unknown... .the hum?¿?
Strange Sounds in Terrace, BC Canada August 29th 2013 7:30am (Vid#1)
This is NOT a fake or hoax. What I recorded is what we woke up to that morning. We still have no confirmed proven source, yet. I have the original files on my camcorder still which could be examined for authenticity. (Please excuse any dead links below. Not sure why but YT has hacked and slashed the...
Strange sound with strange light Germany
Aufgenommen in der Nähe von Krefeld.
Jupiter sounds (so strange!) NASA-Voyager recording
Fascinating recording of Jupiter sounds (electromagnetic "voices") by NASA-Voyager. The complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind , planetary magnetosphere etc. create vibration "so...
Strange sounds in Indiana
Early September 2012. Strange trumpeting sounds in the sky. Nobody could explain what they were or where they were coming from, but the dogs would bark right before they would start up. This happened for about 90 minutes.
Sons estranhos em Santo André, SP Brasil
sons impressionantes na região do ABC paulista.
Strange Sounds Eskisehir in Turkey 2012
we heard some stange sounds in the sky
Strange sounds in the sky
My only guess is that i'm hearing echos from far away industrial plants/factories/ship yards,the sound must be traveling on the wind ?
-Manchester UK
filmed Aug 22-2012
Strange Sounds Costa Rica 2012
Strange Sounds coast to coast am recent ufo sightings time shift solar cycle Mayan star people new year visitors nlo unidentified 未確認飛行物体 object comet 2011 planet x film footage return entities solar system NASA watchers sky vector galactic energy 2012 red ice blue star Earth guardian Mars local pyr...
Strange sound in the sky- 06/09/2012- Sydney Australia
I heard one of those strange trumpet sounds today that I have noticed many have heard all over the world and posted on you tube. I recorded it straight away but it is quite hard to hear through the wind. It sort of sounds like it was coming from the sky.
Strange Sounds - Germany, Gruselige Geräusche in der Nacht 06.03.2012
Alien Angriff??? Diese Geräusche habe ich heute Nacht über eine Stunde gehört. Ich gucke wohl zu viele Horrorfilme.
Strange Sounds recorded on Google Earth Map
Strange sounds are occurring in different parts of the world. What could they be and why is it happening. This video contains a google earth map that shows the locations where some of these sounds have occurred. If you know of any places not listed on my map please let me know and I will add them. T...