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Breaking-News aus dem UFO-Situation Room: Second UFO sighting baffles China

Chinesisches Sommerloch-Durcheinander geht weiter und steigert sich in der medialen Ohnmacht: CNN und die China-UFOs

>UFO sighting number two: Chongqing

China UFO sightings continue moving away from Shanghai to western China -- and yet are eerily similar

Although people in and around Shanghai are still talking about the Hangzhou UFO sighting, alien watchers are now turning their attention to western China where another "unidentified flying object (UFO) has been seen hovering over a park in southwestern China´s Chongqing Municipality," according to Shanghai Daily. Chongqing is one of China´s four provincial-level direct-controlled municipalities (the other three are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin). The Chongqing UFO witnesses all gave similar reports to Xinhua, the government news agency: "Four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape hovered over the city´s Shaping Park for over an hour." Similar to some eyewitness account in Hangzhou on July 7.

"I stared at it and it did not move," said Mr Chen describing the Chongqing UFO incident that took place around 8 p.m. Thursday. "After hovering for an hour {!}, the thing started to fly higher and finally out of people´s sight." Shanghai Daily reports that no official explanation has been given for the sighting. China´s seasoned UFO sighters are not only talking about the July 7 Hangzou reports in relation to the recent Chongqing UFO sighting, but also going back to August 23, 2009* when  reported a "UFO appeared in the sky above Beibei Binjiang Lu in Chongqing," The Chongqing UFO in question was "V" shaped with multiple colors, and hovered over the area for about 30 minutes before disappearing.<

Eyecatcher für den Beitrag ist schon wieder ein SF-UFO-Symbolbild von einer ´Fliegenden Untertasse´ mit dem Text dazu: "There are few photos of the 2010 Chongqing UFO in circulation yet, but we like to believe when one appears they´ll be grainy classic footage like this one -- perfect inspiration for a made-for-TV movie."

* = Dieser Fall (siehe http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/9... ) zeigte aber hammerhart das nicht-erkannte Bildnis von einem bunten LED-Lenkdrachen! Unter http://news.xin.msn.com/en/top-stor... erfahren wir "Second UFO sighting baffles China ... Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China´s Chongqing province after a similar sighting {???} last week caused massive flight delays at a municipal airport, according to latest Chinese media reports. All alleged witnesses of the latest sighting spoke of "four lantern-like objects", according to Chinese state-controlled news agency Xinhua. ..." Keine Erwähnung des wichtigen Umstandes, dass diese ´neuerliche´ Sichtung ein Jahr alt ist! Sinnbildlich gesprochen: Man darf doch nicht "Falschen Hasen" mit "Gegrillte Katze, süß-sauer" vergleichen - aber genau dies wird hier medial aus Ohnmacht der Differzenierung (auch der fallinhaltlichen) zelebriert, verrückt! Das wird ja mehr und mehr toller. Genauso wird das "China UFO Mystery" erhalten und nicht aufgelöst. Unter diesem ´Klima´ gedeiht von Anfang an die Kreativität und Inspiration.

Und dieser ABC-Nachrichten-Beitrag ist auch nicht wirklich hilfreich und hält alles in der Schwebe - siehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwOg... .

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