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26.01.2010 |
Thema U.F.O. 2010 - Wo der Hammer wirklich hängt! Thriller aus dem All! UFO-Agenda im Deutschland-Trend, zur Erinnerung: Marietta Slomka, ZDF - `heute journal´ - "...diese UFO-Meldestelle in Mannheim, beruhigend übrigens das es sie überhaupt gibt..." +++ Tragödie! Erdbeben auf Haiti: "Schlimmer als gedacht" - 100.000 Tote befürchtet - Angst vor Plünderungen: Weltweite Hilfe für Haiti angelaufen - Das Armenhaus Amerikas wartet verzweifelt auf Hilfe Da bleibt einem wieder die Luft vor Entsetzen schockiert weg. Das grausame Haiti-Erdbeben in einem ´Land´, welches zu einem der ärmsten Nationen der westlichen Welt zählt. Auch schon wieder Horror durch einen Killer von der Erde, als die Erde! Unfassbarer Schock und wahrscheinlich tausenden Toten! Eine NATUR-KATASTROPHE gerade auch inmitten den Elendsvierteln! Das Regierungsviertel ist zusammengebrochen - und dies bei einer grundsätzlich instabilen politischen Lage an Ort weswegen die Insel das Armenhaus statt die Karibikperle ist, wie man vielleicht falsch denken mag! Haiti, ein geschundenes Land! +++
Mittwoch, der 13.Januar 2010 - ein neuer Tag beim Bürgerservice der Mannheimer UFO-Meldestelle mit echter sowie authentischer Persönlichkeit aufgrund auch von Kompetenz & Ausdauer mit Fach- und Sachkunde und der CTU (bekanntlich: ´CENAP Taskforce UFO´) im Gesamtpaket. Nur die Ruhe und gefragt, welche Rollen dabei gespielt wird. Gibt es heute überhaupt interessante Geschichten jenseits von DSDS (= einmal Hölle und zurück wg den peinlichen Auftritten der Möchtegerne die überhaupt nichts können und nur eine Qual sind und dann noch denken soetwas wie zweite MJs zu sein)? Zwischen Mythos und Wirklichkeit, in dessen Rahmen sich scheinbar das ganze UFO-Phänomen als der Himmels-Skythriller-Spuk sich wie in seinen unsichtbaren Ketten gefangen seit ´ewigen´ Zeiten bewegt? Ja, nennen wir das sich entwicklende Tagesthema: THRILLER AUS DEM ALL ! Wer hätte sich dies nur gedacht? Ich nicht...
Wie ist das Space Weather an diesem Tag?
2010 AL30: Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) or Space Junk? ...telescopes around the world are watching!
In Sternguckerkreisen gab es für die frühe Nachmittagszeit jedenfalls etwas Aufregung wegen eines kosmischen Besucher-Vagabunden. ´Würde uns der Himmel auf den Kopf fallen?´ Im Steinschlag aus dem All? Siehe diese Storie:
>Asteroid? Obskures Objekt passiert knapp die Erde -Zwischen elf und 25 Meter großer "2010 AL30" fliegt in nur 130.000 Kilometer Abstand an unserem Planeten vorbei Pasadena/Hamburg - Am Mittwoch wird ein kleines Objekt knapp an der Erde vorbeifliegen, von dem Wissenschafter nicht mir Sicherheit sagen können, um was es sich handelt. Katalogisiert wurde das erst am Montag entdeckte Objekt als Asteroid "2010 AL30". Doch einige Forscher glauben, dass es sich um ein von Menschenhand gemachtes Teil, also etwa eine ausgebrannte Raketenstufe, handelt. Das Besondere: "2010 AL30" umkreist die Sonne im Zeitraum von beinahe genau einem Jahr. Mit einem Durchmesser zwischen elf und 24 Metern wird das Objekt gegen 13.45 Uhr (MEZ) in einer Entfernung von 130.000 Kilometern unseren Planeten passieren. Dies entspricht einem Drittel der Distanz zwischen Erde und Mond, wie das Asteroiden- Beobachtungsprogramm der US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA am Dienstag in Pasadena (Kalifornien) meldet. Das kosmische Geschoß ist knapp 36.000 km/h schnell. Seine geringe Größe würde ihn selbst bei einem Zusammenstoß mit der Erde nicht zu einer Gefahr machen: Asteroiden von weniger als 25 Metern Durchmesser verglühen nach NASA-Angaben für gewöhnlich in der Erdatmosphäre. 100-Meter-Asteroiden alle 2.000 Jahre Jeden Tag fallen mehr als hundert Tonnen kosmischer Staub auf die Erde - meist in Form sandkorngroßer Partikel. Etwa einmal im Jahr verglüht ein Pkw-großer Brocken in der Atmosphäre und sorgt für einen spektakulären Feuerball. Alle 2000 Jahre ist der NASA zufolge mit dem Einschlag eines rund 100 Meter großen Geschoßes zu rechnen, das die Einschlagregion heftig verwüsten kann. Mit einem Asteroiden, der die irdische Zivilisation bedrohen kann, ist statistisch nur alle paar Millionen Jahre zu rechnen. Die NASA rechnet erst bei einem Einschlag eines mehr als einen Kilometer großen Objekts mit globalen Folgen. (red/APA)<
Nach. ´Der Standard´, http://derstandard.at/1262209360462...
Am 17.Januar 2009 - also vor einem Jahr hatten wir ja wegen der ´Gefahr aus dem Weltall´ aufgrund eines Boliden satten UFO-Alarm in Deutschland, Sie erinnern sich an den Fall ´Himmelsfeuer über Nordeuropa´ - siehe auch: http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... - http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... - http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... - http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... ; Stichwort: Der längste ´UFO´-Tag für WW, man war das auch wieder ein Ding! Wir wissen doch alle, was dies in etwa bedeutet - The Longest Day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZcP... . Ganz aktuelles Zugangswort: The following takes place in 1,440 New York minutes...
Irgendwie erinnert die Szene auch an den Fall des Zwergasteroid 2008 TC3 vom Oktober 2008, siehe http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... .
Ein bisschen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
1) Um 11:30 h gab ich wegen dem ´Vagabunden aus dem All´ dem österr. ´Kronen-Radio´ ein Spontaninterview. Warum dies zustande kommt? Es wird doch nicht an Komptenz liegen, an Persönlichkeit zu haben und Gas zu geben als elementare Faktoren zugrunde liegen? Sollte soetwas Signalwirkung haben, was den exologisierten UFOlogen total gegen den Strich in ihrer Doofheit geht und gleichsam - bizarrerweise - auch als Selbstimmunisierung durch Weghören zu klappen hat. Alles andere wäre die Katastrophe wie sinnbildlich z.B. es von der DSDS-Jury gesagt zu bekommen wie es wirklich ist und die Euros ins Sparschwein abgehen.
2) Gerhard Grau vom Sternfreundetreff in Salzburg der Arbeitsgruppe für Astronomie am Museum ´Haus der Natur´ stellte eine Vortragsanfrage zu meinem Fazit-PPP-Vortrag ´UFOs: Wunderzeichen am Himmel, wirklich? - Die große UFO-Bilanz´, siehe auch z.B. http://www.openpr.de/news/79120/UFO... . Desolate Lage: UFOs in England - im Zeichen der Kühe! - Muh: Killers from Space!
Das UFO-Imperium schlägt zurück. Zunächst aber machte uns GWUPler Holm Hümmler auf einen interessanten britischen Zeitungsartikel aus der ´Mail On Sunday´ ( http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/... ) vom 16.Dezember 2009 aufmerksam der uns durch die Lappen ging:
>Farmer calls for ban after ´killer´ Chinese lantern fells another cow
As the flickering globes float up into the night sky one after another, the effect can be magical. But as pretty as they are, the craze for Chinese paper lanterns has overlooked one thing - what happens when they finally drift back to earth? Farmers yesterday warned that they can be deadly for livestock after a prize cow died after eating the wire and paper remnants from one. They also claimed the lanterns - basically a candle inside a paper globe - pose a fire risk if they land in a field of crops or on a thatched roof. Farmer Huw Rowlands says the remnants of lanterns are a huge threat to livestock. His father David (above) holds the type of wire frame that killed his prize cow. For many people, a summer party or wedding reception wouldn´t be complete without a line of gently glowing lanterns floating off into the distance. Such is their popularity - and spooky appearance - that UFO experts say they account for 99 per cent of flying saucer sightings {!}, and thousands are expected to be lit at gatherings over the festive period {!}. {Sie wissen es ganz genau und machen trotzdem naiv auf UFO-Hype, dies ist böswillig oder total-dumm!} But for farmer Huw Rowlands´s herd of traditional Red Poll cattle, the effect of the fad has been devastating. For months he has been finding the wreckage of burnt-out lanterns lying around his fields, then one of his most cherished cows, Sprite, keeled over in evident distress. ´Her neck swelled up and she couldn´t eat or drink,´ said the 70-year-old, whose family have owned Grange Farm, in the Cheshire village of Mickle Trafford, since the 1940s. ´The vet did what we could, but she died two days later. ´We didn´t know what was wrong with her at first, but then we found one of these lanterns in her field, half-eaten. She had swallowed some of the wire from it and it had pierced her oesophagus, leading to a very unpleasant death.´ Sprite - worth more than ?1,000 - was a particular favourite of Mr Rowlands for her ´superb temperament´. ´These things are an absolute menace for cattle and sheep,´ he said. ´If people new what damage they could cause, I´m sure they would stop buying them.´ Chinese lanterns usually consist of a paper globe with a hole at the bottom lined with a ring of bamboo, into which a paraffin-impregnated fuel cell is suspended with wire. Once the cell is lit, the globe floats up into the air, glowing orange, and they can drift with the wind for 20 miles or more before they burn themselves out. The National Farmers Union has been warning of their dangers for months, however. A spokesman said: ´They can be eaten by livestock, which can cause them to choke, or pieces of wire can be gathered up when grass is cut for silage, which means they get into their feed. Pieces of wire can also get entangled in their feet, while in summertime there´s a risk that they could land in a field of standing crops and start a fire, or even set light to a barn or thatched roof.´ They warned that if those responsible can be traced, they could be sued for the damage caused. Some popular wedding reception venues have already banned lanterns, while coastguards have said they could be mistaken for distress flares if they drift out to sea. Lantern manufacturers say the wire remnants biodegrade over time, but they acknowledge worries that they can be a blight on the countryside and are experimenting with eco-friendly alternatives. Mark Sellers, who runs supplier Night Sky Lanterns, said: ´The reason they´re made with wire is that you need something that is lightweight but will withstand the heat and keep the burning fuel cell hanging in place. ´But over the next few months we plan to replace all our stock with designs that use man-made fibres which are biodegradable and not a risk to animals.´ Suppliers dismiss claims that lanterns are a fire risk, saying they only fall to earth once they´re burnt-out and that they come with instructions not to use them near crops or when there is anything more than a light wind.<
Hmm, so eine alte Kuh! Aber trotzdem... Unheimliches Gedrängel um den ´Ersten Platz´: Und weiter geht es im gnadenlosen UFO-Headlines-DSDS-Wettbewerb wegen MHBs der englischen Medien! Es bleibt: Amazing & Weird!
>´Bright orange UFO´ seen by reader Another sighting of a UFO - this one in the form of a vivid orange light - has been reported by a Lynn News reader. David Hicks (38), who works in the sawmill at Finnforest UK in Lynn, spotted the "very bright orange light" at 5pm on Christmas Day as he gazed out of his garden at Jarvie Close in Sedgeford. "At first, I thought it was a reflection in the window but then it went up in front of me at about a 45-degree angle - it went up to the tree line then stopped," he said. My brother-in-law came out at that point and saw exactly the same thing. My house faces towards Docking and it was in that direction that it appeared. There was no afterglow or trail behind it and no sudden bursts of speed. It remained visible for two to three minutes but I have absolutely no idea what it was. It did not look like a firework, rocket or street or car light."<
Nach: ´Lynn News´, http://www.lynnnews.co.uk/news/39Br...
Kennen Sie schon das Mysterium der OBOLs nach den ILFs? Muh, was für eine Untersuchung... - bzw die Karikatur davon!
>Probes or signs of an alien invasion? Tom Slemen investigates On New Year´s Eve there were many reports of strange orange lights in the Liverpool night sky. Although many people have heard of UFOs, what about OBOLs which stands for Orange Ball of Light? Statistically there is a good chance that you have seen one in the skies over Merseyside because this region is now experiencing a widespread visitation of orange balls of light, as well as other types of UFO. The current popularity of the Chinese Lantern - a flimsy paper version of the hot air balloon, powered by a naked flame - had been blamed for many of the ubiquitous fireballs, but the lanterns cannot make right-angled turns, come to a dead halt in the sky after travelling the speed of sound and interfere with mobile phones, televisions, computers and car engines. Here are a few cases that highlight the unearthly features of the OBOLs: Liverpool Bay, 18 November 2009 approx. 4.40pm: Dozens of people along the coast from Formby to Hightown and Crosby contacted me via the Billy Butler radio show, reporting sightings of a huge disc-shaped craft plunging into the waters of Liverpool Bay, about two miles from the coast. An unidentified fighter jet was seen crossing Liverpool Bay minutes after the reported incident. At 9pm the same day, scores of people in Formby see orange balls of light (OBOLs) flying south across the waters of Liverpool Bay - towards Liverpool. At 11pm that night, OBOLs are seen over Walton, Wavertree, Kensington, West Derby and Huyton. Birkenhead, Christmas Eve, 2009, 2.40am: John Ravencroft, 34, was driving up Laird Street when he saw a bright glowing globe of orange light flying over a rooftop, coming from the direction of Birkenhead Park´s tennis courts. The orange radiant sphere swooped down towards John, and hovered over his vehicle, which immediately stalled. John estimated the sphere´s diameter to be about 20-25 feet. It flew off down Park Road North then darted upwards at an incredible speed. Mr Ravencroft´s car started again, but when he pulled over and tried to call his wife, he saw the screen of his mobile was blank, and the phone remained in that state for hours before functioning normally. Fazakerley, Boxing Day, 2009, 9pm: Craig, a security guard, was cycling to work along Lower Lane when he noticed a ball of orange light hovering over the nearby hospital. Craig assumed it was a Chinese lantern, which he had seen before, but then the orb rocketed off to the east, staying parallel to Longmoor Lane. Craig cycled down the same route on his way to work, and watched the OBOL swoop down onto the municipal golf course adjacent to the road, where it made a 90-degree-turn and began to follow the course of the River Alt. That night there were scores of sightings of an OBOL over Aintree. Bootle, December 27, 2009, 11pm: James Brockson was walking his dog down Netherton Way, when he saw two large orange flare-like lights, circling each other over the former National Giro Centre. Mr Brockson and two other passers-by saw the lights, and all three watched them pass silently overhead then take a curved trajectory towards Dunnings Bridge Road, where the OBOLs accelerated vertically into the clouds. Formby, December 27, 2009, 11.30pm: Two women and several residents near St Luke´s Church Road saw a triangular formation of orange balls of light which came from the direction of the Irish Sea. One local man who saw the lights through binoculars discerned that they were solid-looking spheres of incandescent material. The triangle of OBOLs headed south and were lost to sight over the Altcar Rifle Range. Hilbre Island, West Kirby, approx. 7.15pm, December 28, 2009: 44-year-old Mary Orm and her sister-in-law Judith Morrison saw two metallic disc-shaped UFOs hovering about 100 feet from the surface of the waters about a mile north of Hilbre Island. Mary and Judith heard a faint humming sound coming from the UFOs, which took off after three minutes and flew north across Liverpool Bay. Later that night at 10.30pm, two orange balls of light were seen over Moreton. Bidston Hill, Wirral, December 30, 2009, 11pm: Three walkers and a man walking his dogs saw an enormous golden-orange globe hovering over the windmill on Bidston Hill. The size of the globe was estimated to be about 30 feet in diameter, and rays shone from the object in the direction of the four witnesses. The dog being walked was struck with terror at the sight of the huge OBOL and broke from its leash. Witnesses all reported hearing melodic sounds coming from the globe, which seemed to shrink in size before taking off and heading south towards Prenton, where it vanished. Earlier that night, a disc-shaped craft with a red glowing rim and an orange ball of shimmering light were seen over Heswall´s Telegraph Road, heading towards Neston. Southport and Birkdale - New Year´s Eve, 2009, 9.15pm: A lens-shaped craft with green lights was seen flying high over the coast of Southport. That same night at 11.20pm a ball of reddish-orange light was seen floating at treetop height over Southport´s Duke Street Cemetery. Around the same time, a ball of light was seen to dive out of the sky, landing somewhere in Birkdale´s Bedford Park. Unlikely explanations for the OBOLs have ranged from sightings of Mars, which is now noticeable in the night sky. Fireworks, Chinese lanterns, the police helicopter, ball lightning and plain overactive imaginations have also been blamed to explain the widespread sightings of the lights in the sky. Some conspiracy buffs believe the governments of the world are waging a secret war against an alien invasion, whereas some open-minded scientist are considering the possibility that the OBOLs are vanguard probes, sent out by extraterrestrials now on their way to earth. Since gallons of water were recently found on the moon, life "Out There" suddenly seems more credible than ever so... keep watching the skies!<
Nach: ´Liverpool Echo´, http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/live...
Nachgedanken der notwendigen Art: Unter UFOs, Orbs und ILFs* kann man sich entsprechend ihrer eigenen Mythologien was vorstellen, aber auf die neue Namensfindung OBOLs in der ´Untersuchung´ zu kommen basiert auf schriftstellerische Romanschreiber-Qualitäten durchzogen mit Kreativität und Inspiration - aber hat mit investigativen Journalismus nicht wirklich was zu tun, wenn man obige Geschichten nicht einfach schlich und klar als das benennt, was hinter ihnen steht, anstelle alles mit UFO-Lust (alias UFOtainment) in der künstlichen, verbal-trickreichten Mystery-Schwebe zu halten. Es ist nur ein rhetorischer Kunstkniff zur Ablenkung, um hier von "Investigation" zu sprechen. Vom Wert her zu sehen wie der Rhetorik-Trick "basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte"...
* = ´Bekannt´ als sagenhafte ´Intelligent Light Forms´ (siehe http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... ).
Der absolute Thriller: UFOs und Werwölfte - passt dies zusammen? In der Faszination für das Irrationale tradionell schon - der Name dafür: (grenzwertige) Grenzwissenschaft/Exologie pur!
>Fresh sighting of UFO´s and Werewolves on Cannock Chase Hound of the Cannock hills? A wave of paranormal and mysterious episodes in the town have helped usher in a new decade of spooky sightings, with readers encountering UFOs and wild wolves in the first week of the year. The area has a long standing association with paranormal activity - with websites across the World recording spooky incidents in the area. Resident, Jane McNally, recently had a run-in with a mysterious canine creature while out walking with her partner on Cannock Chase. "I was walking with my partner and his dog," Jane said. "We put the dog back on the lead as we thought in the distance there was an enormous ´dog.´ As we approached the animal we realised this wasn´t a dog and it just stared at us for a while - I said I thought it looked like a fox, but the size of a lioness - it then turned into the wooded area, and we proceeded to walk on. As it turned its long, bushy black tipped tail, we realised it was definitely not a dog. I have just logged onto the net and went onto images of wolves, and can honestly say whatever we saw yesterday was the closet thing to a wolf." The area has also become a hotbed of UFO sightings, with dozens of people claiming to have witnessed strange lights in the sky. Christie Oliver became the latest person to experience a close encounter, when she spied mysterious lights over Heath Hayes at the turn of the year. "Me and my partner came home from celebrating New Year in Cannock and I let the dog out, turned to my left and saw four red dots in the sky," she said. "I have never seen anything like this before. I immediately called my other half out to look at it. I could not believe my eyes. They then flew north and two of them disappeared. The last one went around six seconds later. I can´t believe what I saw, and I would like to find out if anyone else saw it too? It was around 00.37 on New Years Day."<
Nach: ´Sunday Mercury´, http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/m...
Welch ein bizarr-perverser Tribut an Michael Jackson begegnet uns hier?!? Aber zugegeben auch schon wieder cool. Da kann es nicht mehr lange dauern, bis man behauptet, das die orangen-roten ILFs oder OBOLs (´oranje bollen´ gefällt mir dennoch bodenständig besser!) nichts weniger als die alte Nessie von nassen Loch geklaut haben. Sie sind doch die Killer aus dem All... Mal wieder eine detailierte, umfangreiche Berichterstattung durch den investigativen Journalismus, wodurch keine Fragen offengelassen werden: >UFO sighting stumps investigators Paranormal investigators are stumped by a strange light in the sky filmed by a Messenger reader. Manchester Association of Paranormal Investigation (MAPIT) studied a video taken by the reader of lights above Altrincham on December 3. The video clip showed an orangish object which was then joined by a smaller greenish object, moving around the larger one. Steve Mera from MAPIT said the first object was clearly a Chinese lantern. But he admitted: "As for the green UFO, we have no idea what that could have been."<
Nach: ´The Messenger´, http://www.messengernewspapers.co.u...
Lichterschwerter am Nachthimmel als UFOs: Auch über Kanada sind sie unerkannt unterwegs...
>Strange lights seen in sky over Dundas Did you see something strange Friday night? A British Columbia UFO chronicler and paranormal expert is reporting eyewitness accounts of strange vertical lights in the sky over Dundas and Waterdown. Brian Vike, who heads his own HBC Centre for UFO Research, says on his blog The Vike Factor the lights were seen around 8 o´clock. One witness told Vike he and five friends were out for a walk and watched vertical lights in the sky for 30 minutes, a throbbing orange one which faded in and out and a second red vertical one. The witness says one light had a circle opening in it which looked like an eye. Then the red lights faded after five more minutes, he said. "As we looked down the escarpment, we could see a curved line of vertical white lights in the sky above us leading down," he said. "Also around the same time there was white flashing light in the sky. "It was a flash of bright white light (which) looked as if it was in mid air but because it was dark, we couldn´t tell if there was an actual source or not, (because) if there was it´d have to be in the harbour." Hamilton police were not aware of any calls reporting strange lights in the sky over Dundas Friday night. Another witness tells Vike he was driving between Waterdown and his Dundas home when he saw three orange vertical lights that seemed to originate from a source close to the ground, go up through a clouded area and on up into the sky. The witness thought they could be "light pillars," a visual atmospheric phenomenon created by the reflection of light from ice crystals from a light source such as the sun or moon, but they are not usually seen from several viewpoints.<
Nach: ´The Hamilton Spectator´, http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/a...
Breaking News - und plötzlich wird die Geschichte zu einer Art UFO-´Aktenzeichen XY´: Doch dann kam es schon über die Vorabveröffentlichung für die Donnerstagausgabe ( http://www.thespec.com/News/Breakin... ) anders mit dem Menschen-Faktor ins Spiel, schnallen Sie sich an:
>That was no UFO over Hamilton - Man was illuminating Chedoke Falls The strange lights in the night sky last weekend have a rather novel, down-to-earth explanation. Not UFOs. Not Northern lights either. It looks like it was Hamilton´s own Chris Ecklund and his half-billion candlepower light system illuminating one of of the city´s 125 waterfalls that caused a ripple of UFO sightings from Stoney Creek to Dundas. Witnesses reporting strange sightings to The Vike Report, a British Columbia based blog devoted to UFO sightings and the paranormal reported eyewitness accounts of strange vertical lights in the sky over Dundas and Waterdown. Brian Vike, who heads his own HBC Centre for UFO Research, says on his blog the lights were seen around 8 p.m. Friday. That´s exactly when Ecklund threw the switch to light up Chedoke Falls in the city´s west end, part of his campaign to get Hamilton recognized as the City of Waterfalls and a pilot project to highlight the falls´ beauty. "We had all those lights bouncing off the ice and the water up into the sky. It was awesome and 8 p.m. was when we threw the switch. We had all the colours people saw, orange, red and the whole lot." Vike, who lives in Houston, B.C., halfway between Terrace and Prince George, was not immediately available for comment. One witness told Vike he and five friends were out for a walk around 8 p.m. and saw vertical lights in the sky and watched them for 30 minutes, a throbbing orange one which faded in and out and a second red vertical one. The witness, who Vike does not name in keeping with his confidentiality commitment on his site, says one light had a circle opening in it which looked like an eye. Then the red lights faded away after five more minutes, he said. Ecklund has also lit up Sherman Falls with blue spotlights, Tiffany Falls with 550 million candlepower of clear lights with no filters and Lower Westcliffe Falls. "There´s no mystery," says Ecklund. "It was just us."<
24 - 8: New Day, New City, New Threat!
Ernste Lage in New York City: Bauer of Power! Der Außendienstler...ist jetzt Opa!
Wieder beginnt bald ein langer 24-Stunden-Arbeitstag für einen operativen CTU-Agenten im Außendienst, dem "TV´s most famous counterterrorism agent". Aber bei JB ist etwas anders geworden, er ist jetzt Opa: "The new season of 24 finds Bauer a different man than he was during that first season in 2001. He´s a grandfather." Und ein schwieriger noch dazu: Unlike Bruce Willis in ´Die Hard´ or Steven Seagal in anything, Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) was an avenger with a delicate soul: no matter how hard he struggled to be a heartless, feel-no-pain alpha operative, Jack couldn´t suppress remorse and self-doubt.
Entsinnen wir uns: Jack Bauer was in a coma at the end of last season´s "24," resigned to the death he had cheated countless times before. Now, as a new day (and eighth season) starts for the round-the-clock Fox thriller, Bauer is nudged awake. But it´s a couple of years later, just after 4 p.m., and Jack has been comfortably dozing on a sofa while he baby-sits his little granddaughter, who´s poking him to get his attention. He´s content to play the dedicated granddad and rededicate himself to his once-fractious relationship with Kim. He plans to take a job with a private security firm, and say goodbye to saving the world with his counterterrorism derring-do. Schön, aber dann klopft es um 16:22 h an der Tür... - und damit beginnt doch wieder die ganze Scheiße in der wir wissen das in den nächsten 24 Stunden "at any moment" Dinge auch mit uns adrenalinmäßig passieren werden, welche "blast some routine story straight into the stratosphere". Heijeijei...
Television´s Greatest Thrill Ride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiIt... / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yenq... .
Aber, Ätsch, dies geschieht halt rund um uns in Old Germany herum auf dem Globus und noch lange nicht im deutschen Fernsehen (wenn überhaupt!). Externe Linkshttp://derstandard.at/1262209360462/Asteroid-Obskures-Objekt-passiert-knapp-die-Erdehttp://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=9114 http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=9115 http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=9116 http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=9117 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZcPEKIHIHAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZcPEKIHIHA http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=8999 http://www.openpr.de/news/79120/UFO-Vortrag-am-10-Maerz-an-der-Sternwarte-Goerlitz-30-J... http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/article-1236354/Farmer-calls-ban-killer-Chinese-lant... http://www.lynnnews.co.uk/news/39Bright-orange-UFO39-seen-by.5972562.jp http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-life/liverpool-lifestyle/2010/01/13/probes-or-... http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zeigen.php?satzid=8940 http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/midlands-news/2010/01/13/fresh-sighting-of-ufo-s-and-... http://www.messengernewspapers.co.uk/news/4841589.UFO_sighting_stumps_investigators/ http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/703928 http://www.thespec.com/News/BreakingNews/article/704303 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiItaVD11Ts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YenqOt7yLJo |
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