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Zwei Himmels-Lichter am Abend irritierten weiterhin...

Schlimmer als in Old Germany: England bleibt ein ´Hotbed for UFO sightings´, ähm nicht-erkannte Skylanterns-Sightings

Freitag, der 28.November 2008 - welch eine himmlische Untermalung hin auf dem Weg zur Sternwarte Heilbronn an diesem Abend, auch wenn deswegen die hohenlohische Welt nicht den Atem anhalten muss oder sie gar stillsteht! Trotzdem, manchmal ist es schon unvorhersehbar ´verrückt´... Aber noch zurück in die Donnertagnacht: Um kurz vor 23 :30 h meldete sich Karsten W. aus Bad König, der mit sich "gerungen hatte, sich zu melden, weil es eigentlich zu verrückt ist". Gegen 18 h war er den Müll raustragen, als er über den Häusern auf der gegenüberliegenden Strassenseite "zwei glimmende Licher still am Himmel sah, einfach die Hingucker..." Eines war schwächer "links darüber" auszumachen und das andere "abgesetzt" rechts darunter. W. hat sich dies bis etwa 19 h weiter vom Balkon aus angeschaut, "aber dann waren die beiden weg". Weg wie "runtergekommen"...

An diesen Morgen lag die kurze eMail von Gabi P. aus Weingarten - abgeschickt um 23:56 h - an: "5 seltsame Lichter in der Nacht´: "...um etwa 21 h beoachteten wir vom Balkon aus, wie 5 orange-glühende Lichter emporzogen und nach 3-4 Minuten geräuschlos am Himmel verschwanden. Die zwei Bilder anbei sind nicht wirklich was geworden, aber vielleicht haben Sie bessere Möglichkeiten..." Nein leider, schwarz bleibt einfach nur schwarz!

Um etwa 9:45 h meldete sich Frau C. aus Otterstadt, die gestern Abend für eine halbe Stunde, so zwischen 18 und 18:30 h in Richtung Südwesten "zwei ganz grelle Lichter niedrig am Himmel stehen sah, die nicht normal waren". Die letzten zehn Minuten sah auch ihr Mann die Erscheinung mit an, dann mussten die beiden aber zur Arbeit nach Ludwigshafen fahren und verloren dabei die Lichter hinter ihnen aus den Augen. In Ludwigshafen kurz nach 19 h angekommen, war nichts mehr von den beiden Lichtern zu sehen, "da sind die Häuser einfach zu hoch..." Insgesamt gesehen waren dies doch relativ viele Meldungen aus einem ´eng-begrenzten´ Raum alleine hier im Südwesten deswegen und so gab ich die PM "Abendliche Planeten-Konstellation sorgt für ´UFO-Eindruck´ - Venus und Jupiter sind prächtig zu sehen!" auf kleiner Tour aus, weil das ja sonst noch ´heiter´ werden konnte - sollte das Wetter anhalten. Auf der anderen Seite - an diesem Freitagabend war ich wegen meines Sternwarten-Vortrags eh nicht greifbar.

Medien- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit...

Gegen 15:30 h erreichte mich eine Zeitungsjournalistin aus Bremerhaven in Sachen UFOs als Himmelslaternen, weil die Werbegemeinschaft der Stadt zum Nikolaustag, 6.Dezember, 100 Himmelslaternen fliegen lassen will... - womit der nächste ´UFO-Termin´ im Kalender orangerot anzustreichen ist. Mit den Himmelslaternen verändern sich tatsächlich die Traditionen. Nebenbei erfuhr ich von der Frau auch, dass sie selbst schon gesehen hat, wie aufgrund einer Beerdigung eine Himmelslaterne gen Himmel geschickt wurde - als ´Totenlicht´.

UFOs über England...

´More people report UFOs over town - More sightings have been reported of glowing UFOs flying above Warwick´ - so die Headline im ´Warwick Courier´ ( http://www.warwickcourier.co.uk/new... ) zu dieser Story:

>Last week 19-year-old Owen Lloyd and his girlfriend Ashleigh Bishop described how the bright lights appeared above the Woodloes estate on November 15, seeming to float in formation as if they were communicating with each other. Others saw the eerie lights floating above the estate - and one woman has described how a single orange sphere seemed to track her as she walked her dog in Warwick Gates.

Woodloes Avenue resident Amber Merulla, 21, saw the phenomenon in Woodloes with her family. She said: "Out of my window in Warwick we saw three bright orange lights. At first we thought it was an aeroplane coming towards the house. Then they stopped and made a triangle formation, then a straight line, all evenly spaced. After moving around for a few seconds, one began to fly away at a steady even speed, the other two then followed. We even turned off the television and opened the windows to see if we could hear anything but there was nothing." The Rangemaster employee added: "All four of us saw it but none of us could think of a reason. We would also all love to know what it was even if it is a hoax, just to make sense of it."

They were not alone. On the other side of Warwick a single lamp appeared at the same time above Warwick Gates. Troilus Court resident Emma Clark, 26, was walking her dog on the cycle path through the estate when she saw an orange glow moving above the rooftops. She said: "It came straight over the Heathcote pub and was creeping really slowly and silently alongside me. It was a very bright orange light and the more you tried to look at it the harder it became to focus on. It was a perfect circle. It went really small at first and then it pulsed three times." One explanation that has been offered is that the lamps were a home-made hot air balloon, but Mrs Clark says the object did not appear to be affected by wind. She described herself as "very spooked out" by the occurence, as was her Staffordshire terrier Bailey. She added: "The dog ran about three circles on the spot. Every time we have been out since he has looked at the sky."

Warwick man Dave Rist contacted the Courier after seeing the same three lights at around 7.45pm. He said: "One came down towards the ground then as we watched all three disapeared into the sky." Another to spot the moving lights was Kenilworth man Mark Clayton, who believes he has an explanation. The Malthouse Lane resident wrote: "They are actually paper balloons of about one meter in diameter which have a small fire below them to heat the envelope, enabling them to rise hence the orange appearance. I first saw one in Aston Fields near Bromsgrove where a local resident flies them. I was recently on holiday in Lithuania where a relative released such a balloon one evening and it is certainly a delight to watch. I hope this clears up the mystery."<

´Hotbed for UFO sightings´ hieß es beim ´Hucknall Dispatch´ ( http://www.hucknalldispatch.co.uk/h... ) hierzu:

>The Dispatch district appears to be a hotbed for Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), a group have claimed. This follows a Letter from Brian L.Sellers, of Hucknall´s Derbyshire Lane, in the Dispatch´s ´Your Opinions´ about six mysterious orange lights he saw on the evening of Saturday November 15. Kristian Lander, founder of Nottinghamshire Paranormal Network, said there had also been reports of UFO activity on the following evening.

"Two people walking between Linby and Papplewick saw between seven and nine objects like orange balls performing aerobatic manoeuvres," said Mr Lander. "They were at a distance but were extremely bright and apparently very large indeed." Mr Lander added that after he received the call, he looked from where he lives in Bulwell and saw a bright object rise and disappear in the space of five seconds. Another sighting of that evening´s UFOs was by Martin Bell (48), of Hucknall´s Victoria Street, as well as by his stepdaughter, Kimberley (19), and his fiancee, Denise. "They were travelling very slowly in a long line with 100 to 200 metres between them," said Mr Bell. "They disappeared above clouds but came out on the other side. They they fizzled out." Other witnesses included Julie Riley (42), of Strathmore Close, Hucknall, who saw them as she was taking her mum, Iris Woodfield (79). home to the town´s Truman Drive after they had watched ´The X Factor´ on TV. Under the circumstances, perhaps another TV programme, ´The X Files,´ would have been more appropriate.

Mr Lander said one spine-chilling report, given anonymously to the group during the summer, was of a black BMW in Bestwood Village. "The occupants were as still as mannequins when our contact knocked on the car window," said Mr Lander. "One of the occupants suddenly turned and had no facial features apart from small nostrils and a thin slit for a nose. "The car then powered up and drove off. Men in black, perhaps? There is a low-frequency audible drone at the Bestwood Village entrance to the country park, which is currently unidentifiable. When you spend more than five minutes listening to it, you have the most incredible headache."<

Da gibt es für den ´Paranormalisten´ gleich mal den Wiersgalla-Preis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHT1... . Und wer nachfrägt, warum - der kann sich die ´Auszeichnung´ gleich selbst angedeihen lassen... So ein Spinnkram!

Flyover-Betthupferl für die Freunde der Nacht: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQk... .

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