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UFOs über Amerika und England - überall sind es die gleichen Objekte

Im Texas des Ruinators: UFO sighting over Austin - England: Southwater ´UFOs´ identified - Light work of UFOs mystery - Orbs für Halloween in Deutschland erwartet

Dienstag, der 28.Oktober 2008 - eine Woche noch bis der aktuelle große amerikanische Traum wahr und der ´Ruinator´ George W. Bush abgewählt wird (ich denke, dass nicht nur Amerika, sondern auch die Welt auf Barack Obama als Hoffnungsträger für eine NEUE politische Kultur wartet - The New Spirit, siehe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIw7... )! Und es mag sein, wenn irgendeiner der politischen US-Kommentatoren danach wie einst nach Nixon schreiben wird: "Unser langer nationaler Alptraum mit all den haarsträubenden Zuständen ist vorbei." The Game Is Over, selbst ´Dick´ und ´Doof´ tanzten vorab dazu, um den Partytrain zu besteigen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL3m... . Egal, die Uhren werden alsbald sowieso anders gehen - vielleicht ohne den Einfluss der rechten Christen und Neo-Konservativen, die ihn zu ihrem ´Warrior´ nach dem mörderischen ´9/11´ machten. Unter Bush wurde die Schicksals-Frage nie so wichtig wie in seiner Ära: "Quo vadis, America?" Mit ihm kam ein neuer Sheriff im schicken Oberbefehlshaber-Outfit in die Stadt... - aber er hat selbst das Amerika wie das von ZZ Top ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX0v... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSLa... ) und BTO ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9-R... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7miR... ) verraten.

Und schon hatte mich Daniel Fischer darüber unterrichtete: "Noch ein texanischer Fall? ... http://austinplanetarium.blogspot.c... klingt so ähnlich wie das Schaukelvideo vom 23.10., zu dem Du kürzlich verlinktest, scheint aber ein anderer ´Fall´ zu sein. Vielleicht kommen ´Sie´ bereits nach Texas, um ´W.´ abzuholen ... Daniel ... also ´George W.´, nicht ´WW´ - um Himmels willen!"

>UFO sighting over Austin

Today I received an interesting phone call from Mary Lee at KXAN: was I willing to show up at the studio and look at UFO footage that was shot over Austin and give my opinion? That sounded like fun, so off I went. The video was very interesting... and it is still an UFO, meaning that I was not able to identify what was caught on camera. The mistake most people make is thinking that UFO equals little green men from Mars. But all UFO means is an Unidentified Flying Object. If you see something in the sky and you can´t place it, by definition it´s a UFO.

So... the video. It starts with three lights which possibly could be stars (the bottom of the constellation Cassiopeia?) but that part was rather unclear. The lights are motionless, not too interesting, but then in the end all of the sudden a light is moving and makes big zig-zag movements. The filmers got lucky, because in the background you can see power lines which give a frame of reference. At least we know the camera was not being zig-zagged; the light itself is moving. It was obvious that it was not a movement an airplane or helicopter could have made. The other interesting thing was that at one point the object resolves into multiple dots of light (two possibly three).

So, what was it? Well, the short answer is: I do not know. To me, it did not look like a regular airplane or helicopter, and if it was I feel sorry for the passengers, because that did not look like comfortable flying to me. There is always a possibility of a meteorite, because as I have seen for myself, they can do pretty cool things while flying through the atmosphere. They can change directions when a piece breaks off, they can rotate making it look like small zig-zag movement, and they can also bounce off the atmosphere giving the impression that they move from left to right. However, again, to me it did not seem that would explain this video.

Of course there is always another possibility, which is a prank where the neighbor flies a small radio operated plane with some lights attached. However, maybe, just maybe we´re getting some extraterrestrial help in keeping Austin weird. KXAN posted a small article about it her - http://www.kxan.com/global/story.as... *. When they upload the interview and the footage I will update this posting. Here is a video - http://www.kxan.com/global/video/fl... - of the UFO over Austin.<

*= >Two Austinites believe they saw a UFO flying over Austin in October. They said they have the videotape to prove it. Carl Lancaster and Doug McCullough were both outside their apartments in Central Austin on Middle Fiskville Road Oct. 8 around 9 p.m. when they both saw three bright lights. Lancaster said he saw a red light and two white lights that flew in a zigzag pattern across the sky. "It was just incredible and just unexplainable," said Lancaster. "The lights flew on top of each other and then side by side." McCullough captured the mysterious lights on his home video camera.

"We´ve got proof," said McCullough. "It´s great to finally capture something on video." Lancaster started waving at the lights, and he said they responded to him by flying on top of each other and then side by side. "It was a UFO," said Lancaster. "E.T. probably!" Torvald Hessel, Austin Planetarium´s Executive Director, closely examined Lancaster and McCullough´s video. He pointed out the lights made a zigzag pattern across the power poles. "Shooting star, meteorite," said Hessel. "It´s possible, but I wouldn´t be able to explain the zigzag movement." Hessel watched the video twice and even watched it frame by frame to examine what looked like two lights on top of each other. He said the lights could have been from an airplane or helicopter, although he said that was unlikely. "It´s obviously two lights, which is interesting," said Hessel. "No idea what it is, probably not aliens over Austin."

Just recently in Stephenville, Texas, high school student Andy Monrreal was hanging out with friends when he also recorded what looked like a UFO. "You could see the oval shape," said Monrreal. "Got my friend, I said ´dude, you got to come look at this.´" Meanwhile, Austin Bergstrom International Airport officials said they had no reports of any mysterious objects flying over the city the night Lancaster and McCullough saw their UFOs, but Lancaster and McCullough said they have all the proof they need. "When I see one, I´ll believe it," said Lancaster. "I saw not one, not two, but possibly three that night."<

Sagen Sie was Sie wollen, aber das erstgenannte Austin-Nightmodus-Videomaterial (insbesondere die letzten paar Sekunden mit dem angezoomten Einzelobjekt) plus der Bericht hat schon arg was von Skylaterns! Und dies ist mal wieder nicht zu kühn in der Bewertung, man sieht doch hier den Brenner einer Skylaterne als Hauptlichtquelle unten und die dadurch schwächer erhellte Ballonhülle darüber (es ist kein ´UFO-Duo´, sondern nur ein Objekt). - Inzwischen wurde bei YouTube eine weitere TV-Nachrichtensendung dazu aufgespielt - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfBq... - * , die aber in Sachen ´Verständnisfindung´ in die falsche Richtung geht, da man hier das neue Stephenville-Videomaterial damit in Verbindung setzen will - obwohl es eindeutig von ganz anderer ´Qualität´ in der Natur der Sache ist. Und genau so kommen Irritationen zustande, die man später schwer voneinander trennen kann, sobald zwei unterschiedliche IFO-Kategorien zusammen verbacken werden. Und genau deswegen ein verwunderliches ´UFO-Phänomen´ mit sonderbaren Parametern zustande kommt. Durch das Versagen der Menschen im ´Handling´ mit dem Thema, um es auch genau zu definieren.

*= Update - inzwischen gibt es eine weitere Sendung unter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPQT... .

UFOs über England...

"Southwater ´UFOs´ identified" war die Headline in der ´West Sussex Gazette´ ( http://www.westsussextoday.co.uk/ho... ) hierzu:

>Golden ´UFO´ orbs glimpsed floating through the night sky in Southwater have been identified as Chinese lanterns. They were released by a family celebrating a son´s engagement party in the village. The spectacle caused traffic on the A24 to slow to 50mph as drivers scratched their heads in confusion. Sam Kemp, 22, who witnessed the bizarre display, said: "We were just driving down the A24 and there were these orange orbs in the sky. At first they did look like they were at aircraft height, but as you got closer you realised they were about 50ft high and they were paper with candles in them."

The UFOs were first reported to the County Times last week by the Keen family from Southwater. They spotted 20 golden orbs flying above the village on Saturday October 18 at about 10pm. But the mystery was solved this week when a Southwater family, who wanted to remain anonymous, phoned to say the sightings were all down to them. They had released the Chinese lanterns into the gloom at an engagement party on Saturday night.<

´Light work of UFOs mystery´ war die Headline bei der ´Evening Gazette´ ( http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/t... ) hierzu:

>Light may have been shed on a UFO mystery which has been bamboozling Teessiders for weeks. Witnesses, including police officers, PCSOs and members of the public, have reported seeing strange lights in the sky above the Eston Hills. They described how the orange orbs appeared to float in the sky. The possibility that alien activity was taking place in the skies above Teesside captured the public´s imagination.

"It was a single orange light. When it got above us and we could see underneath it, the centre was like fire," said a puzzled PCSO Andy Harrison after seeing the lights on October 17. "It came over the hills and disappeared towards Guisborough. There were showers of sparks," said George Neal of Teesville who saw the orbs on October 12. Emma Fox, of Eston, said she and her husband saw orange lights on October 3 heading over their house towards the Eston hills. "In the sky in front of the house there were three round orange objects in the sky moving slowly over the house. They were making no noise and we could not work out what they were." Videos of the lights even appeared on the video website YouTube.

But now a solution to the mystery could well have been found. A man calling himself ´Mr Young´ from Grangetown contacted the Gazette to say the cause of the lights are Chinese Flying Lanterns which he and his friends have been releasing into the sky. Mr Young said: "You light the bottom of them and let them go a few at a time. I bought them for November 5 to set them off for the kids instead of fireworks. They are like mini hot air balloons." Mr Young and his friends have been letting the lanterns go from Grangetown over the past few weeks. Some nights they have released up to six at a time. The lanterns are made of rice paper with a wax candle at the bottom and as soon as the flame goes out, they come down. He said the lanterns appear to the eye to fly in formation as they are taken by the wind together.

Mr Young said: "All the sighting dates correspond with when I have been setting these off." He said he was delighted that Teesside people thought they were UFOs. "We were talking about it when we set them off that there will be UFO sightings in the paper - and there was." John Briggs and his partner Catherine Sharkey, from the Longlands area of Middlesbrough, also released Chinese lanterns last Wednesday night with John´s daughter Jessica, five, and Catherine´s daughters Olivia, ten, and Monica, five. John had bought the lanterns on the internet for Bonfire Night but had an early test run. He said: "They are quite an awesome thing to look at once they are past the rooftops. They went off towards Brambles Farm so I suppose they would have gone in the direction of Eston."<

Und dann die Überraschung - für Halloween in Old Germany...

...da kommt in die Geisternacht neue Dynamik mit dem neuen Mitspieler am Himmel rein, wenn es heißt ´Süsses oder Saures´. Mit dem Bericht der ´Mitteldeutschen Zeitung´ - "Gruselige Geister allerorts: Partys locken an den Concordia See, nach Friedrichsaue und in den Zoo" ( http://www.mz-web.de/servlet/Conten... ) - wird eine neue Halloween-Tradition in der Lichternacht ausgerufen:

>Ascherleben/MZ/LB. Wohin zu Halloween? Diese Frage werden sich zur Zeit mehrere Leute stellen. Man könnte am Donnerstag zum Beispiel nach Schadeleben an den Concordia See fahren. Gespenster, gruselige Kürbisfratzen und Skelette werden den Concordia See in einen schaurig-schönen Ort verwandeln. Kleine sowie große Feuer werden die Besucher am Schadelebener Aussichtspunkt erwarten. Außerdem wird ein Kerzenmeer die Promenade bis zur Gaststätte "Arche Noah" erstrahlen lassen. Am Bootssteg werden die Besucher ein gruseliges Geisterschiff vorfinden. Dort wird die eigentliche Feier stattfinden. "So kann das Wetter uns diesmal keinen Strich durch die Rechnung machen", erklärt Hans Strohmeyer, Geschäftsführer der Seeland GmbH. Die Schifffahrt wird 20.30 Uhr beginnen und ist im Eintrittspreis mit inbegriffen. Zusätzlich erhält jeder Besucher eine sogenannte Himmelslaterne. Diese werden mit Wünschen beschrieben und sollen 22.30 Uhr den Himmel über dem Concordia See hell erleuchten. Für die Musik an Bord der Seelandperle, wo die Feier erstmalig stattfindet, ist DJ Micha verantwortlich und für das leibliche Wohl der Besucher ist auch gesorgt. ...<

Und der nächste Grusel kommt durch das ´Forum Grenzwissenschaften und Kornkreise´ in dieser Sache ebenso auf, wo man sich die dumme Frage stellt: "Fotoprojekt: Gibt es an Halloween 2008 mehr Lichterscheinungen/ORBS?" - siehe: http://www.fgk.org/?p=1259 . Klar wird es am Wochenende mal wieder ´Orb´-Sichtungen geben - Himmelslaternen heißen sie! Heijeijei...

Und nun die Pilotfolge aus der Miniserie ´V´ als Quantum des Trosts:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jn0... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-8y... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hcv... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9voo... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2ty... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiOr... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXUW... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yilN... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyrn... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSYN... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CENv... .

Betthupferl für die Freunde der ´Wings Of Steel´: SU-37-´Terminator´ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGE1... .

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