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Unglaublich: Astrologie-Killer-TV-Sendung auf Pro7 in der Freitagnacht!

Die britische SUN setzt voll auf ´UFO-Rhetorik-Viagra´ für künstliche Sensationen! - Moderne ´fliegenden Zigarren´!

Samstag, der 13.September 2008 - aber erst einmal die vorausgehende Freitagnacht - wo auf Pro7 in der ´Galileo Mystery´-Sendung der absolut (überraschend) konsequente Astrologie-Killer* lief, um keinen Blick in die Zukunft und für Astrologie-Abhängige keine Reise ins Glück zu liefern. Spiel, Satz und Sieg für Edgar Wunder gegenüber ´Star-Astrologin´ Frau Teissier. Ungewöhnlich, dass man dem Thema trotz doch insgsamt starker Astrologenlobby so die Kappe runtergezogen hat und man bei anderen anomalistischen Themen (man erinnere sich an die Geschichte mit dem Cosford-UFO und Nick Pope!) so herrumeiert. Da würde es schon interessant sein, wie die öffentliche Aufarbeitung in der Folge hiervon sein wird! In der Sternen lag dagegen zunächst auch kein aktuelles UFO-Meldepotenzial, vielleicht weil in einer Hälfte der Republik das Wetter zu schlecht war. Aber es kam dann doch noch was am Samstagmorgen nach...

*= Inzwischen bei MyVideo aufgespielt, siehe: http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085127... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085142... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085157... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085185... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085211... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085225... - http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5085236...

Frau Nicole S.-W. meldete via eMail, abgeschickt um 0:07 h: "Guten Abend, vor ca. 20 Minuten sind drei bis 4 seltsame, rote Leuchtkörper am Himmel über meinem Haus etwas nach rechts weggeflogen - ss sah wie ein Viereck aus. Sie sind nach wenigen Minuten in den Wolken unsichtbar verschwunden. Nach Leuchtraketen sah das keinesfalls aus. Kann das mit der Witterung zusammenhängen, dass derart Leuchtkörper sich am Himmel bilden? Sie sahen so aus, wie die Abbildungen im Internet wo angeblich Ufos in Deutschland gesichtet wurden in 2006. Ich wohne in Minden Westfalen, Nähe Lübbecker Straße/Ringstraße."

Edwin H. aus Westerholz hatte um 1:13 h die eMail ´Komische Leuchtobjekte im Schwarm...´ abgeschickt: "...Gegen 21:30 Uhr sahen wir plötzlich einen ganzen Schwarm gelblich-goldender Lichtkörper beim Stockfischgrillen gemächlich über den halben Himmel ziehen, es können insgesamt 20 gewesen sein, sie hatten alle ansatzweise auch einen rötlichen ´Kranz´ um sich. Sah verrückt aus und wie wenn ein ungeordneter Vogelschwarm über den Himmel ziehen würde, ganz langsam und auch so hoch. Nach 4-5 Minuten waren sie wieder einfach weg, so wie sie gekommen sind. Lautlos. UFOs bei uns hier in Westerholz? Kann man eigentlich gar nicht glauben, hier passiert nie etwas..." Aber um 2:11 h hatte der selbe Melder noch eine eMail mit ´UFO-Alarm - Erledigt!´ nachgereicht: "Sorry, aber jetzt habe ich mich mal bei Ihnen eingelesen und was wir sahen, war genauso wie in der Gallerie des Herrn aus der Nähe von Hannover, http://gallery.me.com/spacejogger#1... . Genauso. Klar, dass das die Himmelslaternen sind, haben wir nur noch nicht gekannt. Die Sichtung hat sich damit als Non-UFO im Nachhinein erledigt! Man kann nicht alles wissen..."

Jaja, sie sind halt überall unterwegs und kaum jemand weiß um sie und ihre wahre Natur: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G6D... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGvI... (´UFOs über Leipzig am 4. Juli 2008 , Germany´) .

Die modernen ´fliegenden Zigarren´

Aber Achtung in Amerika - ein neuer Lightship-Typ ist mit ´UFO-Wirkung´ unterwegs, "UFO over East Rutherford, New Jersey August 28, 2008": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIyw... . Siehe auch diese Maschine aus der ´next generation´-Reihe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG2E... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JiP... . Im Vergleich dazu der normale Lightship-Blimp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyA_... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A47p... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTjN... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da2A... - und natürlich das beeindruckende UFO-Lightship von Sanyo über NYC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIwP... . Der Werbeflächen-Blimp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB5G... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp6E... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnyX... . Oder der Standard-Blimp bei einer Nachtlandung: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhtK... .

Aber bitte nicht mit den Skyspot-Werbeflugzeugen verwechseln, die es immer noch gibt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enUI... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cib3... .

Und von den anderen Showeffekten mit ´UFO-Wirkung´ ganz zu schweigen, die man ebenso in Old Germany nicht kennt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C79J...

Bald auf ABC: Primetime-UFO-TV in Amerika...

"Could So Many UFO Witnesses Be Right? ´Primetime" Examines the Evidence for UFOs and Aliens" meldete das ABC-Network - http://www.abcnews.go.com/Primetime... :

>For decades, millions of people around the world have reported seeing UFOs hovering in their skies. It is a mystery that science has been unable to solve, and the phenomenon remains largely unexamined. Much of the reporting on this subject holds those who claim to have seen UFOs up to ridicule. "UFOs: Seeing is Believing" takes a serious look at the phenomenon in today´s world. The 90-minute special includes interviews with scientists searching for proof of life beyond earth and UFO witnesses who claim aliens are already here. Building on the original Peter Jennings report in 2005, David Muir reports on new sightings, as well as NASA´s current search for life on Mars. "UFOs: Seeing is Believing," to be broadcast in HDTV, airs on a special edition of "Primetime" Tuesday, September 16 from 9:30 - 11:00 p.m. ET.

The program follows the entire scope of the UFO experience, from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. Muir reports on a recent UFO sighting in Stephenville, Texas, where multiple witnesses reported seeing enormous lights moving in strange configurations on the evening of January 8, 2008. He interviews some of the most credible witnesses of the sighting and a radar expert who evaluated their claims and found something surprising in the data. Sophisticated animations approved by the eyewitnesses allow viewers to get a feel for the experience first hand. The special draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. While professional skeptics about UFOs speak out, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms elsewhere in the universe. The special also examines the most recent advances in the search for life on other planets. This past summer, NASA´s Phoenix Mars Lander, a robot that tests and analyzes soil on the planet, found conclusive evidence of water ice on Mars. You´ll hear from scientists on the project about the real possibility of finding life on Earth´s next-door neighbor. ABC News explores the facts behind the mystery of the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, where, in 1947, the story goes, the U.S. Government collected the wreckage from a crashed flying saucer. And you´ll hear from the people who claim they´ve been abducted by aliens.

Among the UFO cases presented: Minot Air Force Base, October 1968 -- Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base. Phoenix, Ariz., March 1997 -- Thousands witness what many believe was a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city. St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 -- Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude. Today, if you report a UFO to the U.S. government, you will be informed that the Air Force conducted a 22-year investigation which ended in 1969 and concluded that UFOs are not a threat to national security and are of no scientific interest. But leading theoretical physicist Michio Kaku told ABC, "You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are actually sightings from some object created by an advanced civilization because & on the off chance that there is something there, that could literally change the course of human history."<

Mal schauen ob diese Doku zum ´Baby Love´ der verbliebenen UFO-Szene wird, so wie hier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmba... .

UFOs über England, die SUN heizt wieder..., mit einer sensationellen Geschichte!?

´RAF radar chief: I saw UFO fleet´ meldete es exklusiv die ´SUN´ ( http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag... ):

>An RAF expert yesterday revealed how he tracked a whole fleet of "spaceships" on military radar -- but the Ministry of Defence told him to keep quiet. Wing Commander Alan Turner, 64, said colleagues sat stunned when 35 super-fast vessels appeared on their screens. Extraordinary ... map shows the UFOs´ path across southern England. Wing Cmdr Turner, who was a chief operator of the RAF´s radar system for 29 years, said the craft were equally spaced and shot from 3,000ft to 60,000ft at almost 300mph. Incredibly, every few seconds one of the UFOs would suddenly vanish from radar and be replaced by an identical vessel moments later. Wing Cmdr Turner said six military radars, plus operators at Heathrow, spotted the UFOs east of Salisbury Plain and filed reports on the unexplained phenomenon in 1971. The RAF chief even drew a map charting their flight in between key sites like RAF Lyneham, Wilts, and the aircraft navigation transmitter at Brookmans Park, Herts.

Three days later, the Ministry of Defence visited the RAF and instructed staff to "never speak about the incident again". Wing Cmdr Turner, who retired from the RAF in 1995, said: "UFOs are a fact -- I tracked them on military radar units. What I saw defied all logic and was, quite frankly, extraordinary. It wasn´t just me. More than 30 pairs of eyes of RAF staff and radar operators at Heathrow Airport witnessed the same thing. It´s arrogant to believe that we´re the only ones in this universe." The dad of three, of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, was a radar supervisor at the now disused RAF Sopley base, Dorset, in 1971. Wing Cmdr Turner said: "I instantly knew this wasn´t a convoy of military planes. The only craft with that rate of climb were supersonic lightning aircraft but they wouldn´t have been able to hold such a perfect formation. They also make a lot of noise. No one heard a thing on the night in question." Wing Cmdr Turner, awarded an MBE in 1984, is guest speaker at the Close Encounters conference in Pontefract, West Yorks, next month. Philip Mantle, of UFO Data magazine, said: "His testimony is remarkable."<

Unter http://www.ufoinfo.com/news/rafsope... finden Sie die ganze Geschichte jenseits der SUN und wie sie an Philip Mantle herankam. Und hier die Geschichte wie sie Kommander Turner Mantle gegenüber am 10.November 2007 in einem Brief ausführte, worin auch klar wird, dass optisch selbst von einem Flugzeug aus, welches in unmittelbarer Nähe eines ´UFO-Blips´ heranflog, gar nichts gesehen wurde:

>In the summer of 1971 I was the Duty Military Supervisor at RAF Sopley, which was a joint military/civil Air Traffic Control Radar Unit (ATCRU). It was a Tuesday afternoon but I cannot remember the exact date. The Duty Civil Supervisor drew my attention to a situation on radar the likes of which neither of us had ever encountered. Emanating from a point some twenty nautical miles east of the eastern extremity of the Salisbury Plain Danger Area were a series of six or seven blips {! - von wegen 35 ´Raumkreuzer´} moving on a south-easterly track each being separated from the other by about six miles {!}. At about forty miles from the point they appeared on radar they disappeared to be followed almost immediately by a replacement at the point of origin.

I put the FPS 6 Height Finder onto some returns to discover that they were about 3000 feet {!} when they came into radar cover and climbing extremely rapidly {!} so that, by the time they disappeared from radar, they were in excess of 60,000 feet {!}. To climb to such a height in only forty miles {! - das heißt, sie stiegen von 1000 Metern Höhe in 20.000 Metern Höhe nicht vertikall steil auf, sondern überbrücken dabei eine Strecke von 40 Meilen, flogen dabei 40 Meilen weiter gerradeaus ansteigend, also schräg - zur dabei erstaunlich geringen Geschwindigkeit kommen wir gleich} was beyond the ability of any fighter aircraft at the time. The phenomenon was witnessed by four civil and six military controllers on duty at the time. I called Heathrow Radar to discover that they, also, wee seeing a similar picture. The same situation prevailed in the Fighter Control Operations Rooms at RAF Neatishead. The three units involved operated different radars from each other thus different frequencies were in use. The weather forecast from the south of England was calm and sunny. I called the Met Office to confirm the strength of the upper winds to find that they were also relatively calm and were about fifty degrees off the southeasterly track of the blips; they also confirmed that there were not Met balloons/probes airborne at the time.

The winds were not strong enough, nor in the right direction, to cause the blips to travel on their observed track especially at the speed they were travelling. It was estimated that they were doing around 250 knots {!? - also keine 500 km/h}, but it must be borne in mind that this was a lateral speed as seen on radar - they must have been travelling very much faster to climb over 50,000 feet in less than forty miles. Equally the weather was such that there were no ´angels´ to affect the radar picture. "Angels" was a euphemism for, what were believed to be, ionozed pockets of air which, under very specific atmospheric conditions, were often seen on radar screens in those days: when seen, these ´angels´ traveled extremely slowly simply drifting along haphazard tracks. In those days all radars were ´raw´. That is to say that, whatever was within the coverage of the radar envelope and capable of bouncing (returning) the radar pulse back to the receiver, would be seen on the radar tube. Today´s radars are computerised thus such interference is processed out so as not to affect the picture.

Looking around for some other method of checking what was going on, I discovered that a controller had two Canberras on frequency returning from Germany. One of the pilots agreed to investigate so I assumed control of his aircraft and, having confirmed he was in good visual met conditions, I vectored him on to the blips keeping him regularly updated on their position relative to the Canberra. The aircraft was flying at around nineteen thousand feel and when it got within a mile or so of one particular blip, the pilot reported, in a very agitated voice, that his radar had picked something up heading down his port side by about a quarter of a mile and ´climbing like the clappers´, it was on a reciprocal heading to the Canberra. The pilot admitted that neither he nor his navigator made any visual contact {!!!} and confirmed that the weather conditions were such that they would have had no difficultly seeing something that close.

The whole episode lasted for twenty minutes or more before the blips stopped appearing {!}. I impounded the R/T tapes and the Radar Video film and made appropriate entries in the log. Each person in the Ops Room who witnessed the incident was required to write a report. The Squadron Leader in charge of Operations collated the reports and informed higher authority. Within a couple of days I was interviewed in the Squadron Leader´s office by two men who were not identified to me. I, along with all the others in the Ops Room on the day in question, were told in no uncertain terms not to relate what we had seen until cleared to do so. About four years later I was serving at RAF Wattisham when the Station Commander asked to see me. I was told that he had a communication from the MoD about the incident at Sopley and that as ´nothing could be confirmed´ the situation was such that doubt would be cast on anything I said about it. I took this to mean that I was no longer to remain silent.

I am at a loss to explain what I, and many other people, saw. In those days aircraft could not climb at such a rate. To be seen on displays by three different ground radars, plus the airborne radar in the Canberra, is also a mystery. The weather conditions were very definitely VMC or Visual Met Conditions; the aircraft was clear of cloud by at least a thousand feet vertically and with a forward visibility of at least five nautical miles.<

Ganz klar, diese reine Radar-UFO-Aufzeichnungsgeschichte hat oberstes UFO-Nachrichten-Medien-Potenzial und ist so zunächst bemerkenswert, auch wenn sie sofort an Radar-Engel als interagierender Systemfehler im Verbund denken lässt, freaky Radarwellenausbreitung! Und die Story - sie verlor relativ schnell ihren ´Schrecken´ und Sensationswert, wenn man die komplette Originalstory kennt wird sie sogar schnell jenseits der mit ´UFO-Rhetorik-Viagra´-aufgepumpten ´SUN´-Akte X-Version langweilig. Via ANI ging die SUN-Story auch gleich pflichtschuldigst nach Indien/Thailand - http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal... . Da bekam eine für heutige Verhältnisse müde Geschichte den ´Push´ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cXO... . Gegen dieses Gefühl kann ich einfach nicht ankämpfen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qNj... - ihr Pusher der alten Schule! Wie auch immer, meine ´Saturday Love´ ist diese Story nicht so geworden, wie jene hier - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDFA... . Sie ist keine wirkliche Affäre, wobei dies hier sich schon anders anläßt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQTq... .

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