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So ein IFO-Quatsch: Fliegende Glühblauwurst in den USA soll jetzt ´Temperatur-Inversion´ sein

Die nächste UFO-Welle ist schon in Sicht: Bald kommen nämlich mit LED-Lichtern ausgestattete Flugdrohnenmodelle etc auf den Markt, mit denen man am nächtlichen Himmel Luftkämpfe austragen kann

Dienstag, der 9.November 2010 - vor 21 Jahren fiel die Berliner Mauer! Wir von CENAP sind keine "moralische Authorität" für die Breiten-UFOlogie, die lieber andere "Blockbuster" bevorzugt und umjubelt anschaut. Wir liegen nicht unter dem "Radar" der besonderen Wahrnehmung durch UFOlogen da wir nach wie vor nicht den ufologischen Traum erfüllen und so nicht den erwarteten Standards in dieser Szene entsprechen. Welch ein Ärger aber auch..., aber nicht für uns.

Der ´Bonner General-Anzeiger´ ( http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de... ) begrüßte seine Leser heute mit diesem Artikel von Hans-Peter Fuß:

>So gesehen: Weniger Ufos am Himmel

Es gibt ja zuweilen Nachrichten, da weiß man nicht so recht: Sind das jetzt gute Nachrichten oder schlechte? Die Meldung lautet: Über Deutschland werden weniger Ufos gesichtet. Bei der Ufo-Meldestelle Mannheim sind im laufenden Jahr nur 500 Meldungen eingegangen. Im Jahr 2009 waren es noch rund 1 000. Von den 500 Meldungen kamen etwa 50 aus dem Köln-Bonner Raum. Diese Nachricht wirft natürlich Fragen auf. Wo liegen die Gründe für den Abwärtstrend? Steht Deutschland bei Außerirdischen nicht mehr hoch im Kurs? Haben die grünen Männchen die Tarnung ihrer Ufos entscheidend verbessert? Oder hat die Aufmerksamkeit der bundesdeutschen Himmelsbeobachter nachgelassen?

Alles Quatsch, meint Werner Walter. Der 53-jährige Hobby-Astronom, im Zivilberuf Einzelhandelskaufmann, betreibt die Mannheimer Meldestelle. Er sagt, die rückläufige Zahl der Ufo-Meldungen habe einen ganz profanen Grund. Seit Anfang des Jahres sei es in vielen Bundesländern aus Gründen der Flugsicherheit verboten, so genannte "Himmelslaternen" - kleine Heißluftballons von etwa einem Meter Durchmesser - aufsteigen zu lassen.

Die nächste Ufo-Welle ist laut Walter aber schon in Sicht: Bald kommen nämlich mit LED-Lichtern ausgestattete Flugdrohnenmodelle auf den Markt, mit denen man am nächtlichen Himmel Luftkämpfe austragen kann. Na, wenn das mal keine gute Nachricht ist.<

+ Die ´Nordamerikanische Wochen-Post´ ( http://www.wochenpostusa.com/2010/W... ) griff in Troy/Michigan als "american Newspaper written in the german Language" und als "America´s leading German language news-weekly" die lange dpa-Geschichte "Werner Walter ist den UFOs auf der Spur" auf.

Zum Allerheiligen-Boliden gab es eine weitere Meldung...

Im elektronischen Briefkasten lag heute morgen eine Nachricht von Marcus K.: "...an diesem Tag fuhr ich aus Richtung Hannover nach Hause nach Heidelberg und irgendwo bei Weinheim meine ich ist genau an diesem Tag, zwischen 20 Uhr und 21 Uhr direkt vor mir/uns in sagen wir ca 1500 Meter Höhe  ein kleiner grüner Feuerball gewesen der gerade verglühte und dabei auch ein paar kleinen Funken absprangen. Es war stechend grün/weißlich von der Farbe her, nicht besonders groß, vielleicht wie eine Honigmelone oder so und wie gesagt es ist verglüht und irgendwo in der Ecke Weinheim  rechts (es kam von links) von der Autobahn/Richtung Heidelberg auf die Erde gestürzt."

Mal was anderes als Himmelslaternen:

Was schwebte da am Himmel Englands Sonntagabend dahin?

Die ´Sun´ ( http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag... - mit Video des Dings; siehe auch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJeb... ) hatte heute diese Geschichte drauf:

>E.T. bah gum

The North of England was last night crowned the world´s top hotspot for UFO sightings - as the latest weird footage emerged from SCARBOROUGH. It follows a string of strange objects spotted in the northern sky being reported to The Sun.

Ex-MoD UFO expert Nick Pope said: "At the moment the North of England seems to be having more than its fair share. Arizona has been famous for lots of sightings but it seems the North is now overtaking it." UFOs have been snapped in Rotherham, South Yorks, and Harrogate, North Yorks, in the past three weeks. The latest footage was shot in Osgodby, near Scarborough, North Yorks, on Sunday evening.

It was sent in by Paul Sinclair, who said: "It really looks like a flying saucer {aber nur am Schluß und nur ganz in etwa, ansonsten schaut dies viel eher aus wie eine losgerissene Plastikfolie mit langem ´Drachenschweif´ oder der Resthülle eines Wetterballons*}. Crowds of people saw it. There´s definitely something happening here {klar}. My son-in-law filmed it for several minutes. There appeared to be two objects, one with a hooked tail, the other disc-shaped {? - es gibt ja nur durch die Windbrise eine ´dynamische´ Formveränderung von einem Objekt}." Expert Nick said: "It´s pretty spooky. At first glance it appears to be a cloud {?} - then it seems to be bombing along purposefully."

Last year a formation of 50 UFOs was seen above Scarborough.<

* = Viel eher als von einem dynamischen Vogelschwarm - siehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kim7... . Wie der Boardleiter eines Inter-UFO-Forums und gleichzeitig GEP-Beisitzer (ein MUFON-CES-Mann dazu: "Gratuliere den Kollegen. Ein guter Vorstand.") heute pseudoschlau sowie debunkingmäßig meinte: "Vogel- oder Insektenschwarm..." - Und gleich gab es dafür Zustimmung, weil dies ja einer der "ihren" sagte. CENAP-gerechte UFO-Fall-Identifizierung sind dagegen vom Bäh-Faktor abgebügelt und gar als "unter den Tisch kehren" abgelehnt.

Die kleine Nachrichtenagentur ANI schnappte sich mal wieder artig und eilfertig den UFO-Happen und tickerte ihn in die indische Subkontinentwelt hinaus: "North of England becomes ´the world´s top hotspot for UFO sightings". Die ´Dnewes´ ( http://www.dnews.de/nachrichten/ver... ) griffen dies auch auf - und damit war die Sache in der Alien Nation Old Germany angelandet. Und die heutige SUN-UFO-Storie sollte nicht alleine stehen, wie wir gleich noch sehen werden...

On The Road Again... Neue Himmelslaternen-UFOs in England, gähn

>UFOs sighted over road to Llanidloes

Just when UFO sightings appeared to have ceased for 2010, an Unidentified Flying Object has been reported on the road between Machynlleth and Llanidloes. On the website ´UK UFO´, two witnesses reported seeing lights in the sky on October 25, at approximately 10pm.

"While driving a couple of kilometres outside of Machynlleth, I looked up to see what I thought at first were fireworks going off high up in the sky. I then realised there were multiple red and white lights and they didn´t fit the usual aircraft profile - the lights were too many and too spaced out. I and my son observed it for less than 10 seconds before it disappeared behind some trees as we rounded a bend on the road. It was impossible to say if it was moving as the sighting was so brief. After reading a previous post of a sighting on Merseyside the same night I feel I must have briefly seen the same thing."

As the nights draw in and motorists are driving more often in the dark, who knows what keen-eyed residents will see in the night skies?<

Nach: ´Powys County Times´, http://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/9...

UFOlogisch neben der Spur: Temperatur-Inversion, aber wo?

Amerika: Der IFO-LED-UFO-Blauling von Centreville lässt keine Ruhe - Alien fantasy off the planet

Die NBC meldete heute ( http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/l... ) zu dem Blauwurst-UFO eine total verrückte Geschichte, um in Ahnungs- und Hilflosigkeit quasi Äpfel mit Eiern zu vergleichen:

>Maybe UFO in Centreville Was a ´Temperature Inversion´?

Egads! Sort-of breaking news from Grover´s Mill, N.J., err, Centreville, Va., from earlier this week. Blue lights were moving erratically over Lee Highway! It was caught on camera, too.

Was it a UFO? Or something else?

The most famous D.C.-area UFO sightings were during July 1952, when air traffic control at National Airport picked up some unusual "radar blips." The sightings increased during the month as did the public intrigue. One US Air Force official {Samford}, at a press conference trying to explain what may have happened, said the lights were likely a "temperature inversion." According to How Stuff Works, "[t]his ´explanation´ got absolutely no support from those who had seen the objects either in the air or on the radar screens, and the U.S. Weather Bureau, in a little-noted statement, rejected the theory. In fact, the official Air Force position, which it had successfully obscured, was that the objects were ´unknowns.´" On July 28, 1952, The Washington Post ran with the headline, "´Saucer´ Outran Jet, Pilot Reveals," reporting that "a jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base."

The Post´s Paul Sampson wrote at the time:

Although "unidentified objects" have been picked up on radar before, the incidents of the last two [S]aturdays are believed to be the first time the objects have been picked up on radar-while visible to the human eye.Besides the pilots, who last [S]aturday saw the lights, a woman living on Mississippi Ave., told the Post she saw a very "bright light streaking across the sky towards Andrews Air Force Base about 11:45 PM. Then a second object with a tail like a comet whizzed by, and a few seconds later, a third passed in a different direction toward Suntland [sic]," she said.

Radar operators plotted the speed of "saturday night´s visitors" at from 38 to 90 mph, but one jet pilot reported faster speeds for the light he saw. The jet pilot reported he had no apparent "closing speed" when he attempted to reach the lights he saw near Andrews Air Force Base. That means the lights were moving atleast as fast as his top speed-a maximum of 600 mph. One person who saw the lights when they first appeared in this area did not see them last night. He is E.W. Chambers, an engineer at Radio Station WRC, who spotted the lights while working early the morning of July 20 at station´s Hyattsville tower. Chamber´s said he was sorry he had seen the lights because he had been skeptical about "flying saucers" before. Now he said, he sort of "wonders" and worrys [sic] about the whole thing.

Are they back? Are UFOs subject to Fortress Washington´s protected airspace? Or is that why the sighting was out in Centreville?

Maybe UFO in Centreville Was a ´Temperature Inversion´? was originally published by ´Washington City Paper´ - http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/... - on Nov 5, 2010.<

+ Zur Mittagsstunde griffen die ´Dnews´ ( http://www.dnews.de/nachrichten/ver... ) die Geschichte von Centreville auf; damit war in Deutschland die Sache nach dem CENAP-UFO-Newsticker ins Spiel geworfen*. Und wir wir ja seit gestern wissen, hatte ja auch in England die ´Daily Mail´ den Fall des Blaulings von Centreville erfasst. Das wurde jetzt heiß und es erklang mir der ´Call Of Duty´: Also verfasste ich jetzt die Presseinformation "Nächster UFO-Boom rollt an: Das Blaue vom Himmel herab" und gab sie an die Nachrichtenagenturen aus, um die ´Alien´- bzw Geheimwaffen-Fantasien weiter einzuschränken, bevor wieder wie bei den Vorfällen von Belgien vor 20 Jahren oder wegen der Phoenix-Lichter 1997 dummes Zeugs zusammensponnen wird - klar, wird es trotzdem, aber wir geben nicht auf solange es keine Berechtigung hat und nur aus den Outer Limits solches Gedanken´gut´ kommt.

* = Und schwupps war dies alsbald Thema in einem alienierten Internet-UFO-Klub als UFOlogen-Begnungsstätte.

+ Und am späten Nachmittag griff auch die SUN gerig nach dieser Story - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag... . Meines Erachtens nach ist dies das erste Mal wo das britische Klatschblatt ZWEI UFO-Storys an einem Tag aufsetzte. Ist ja geil...

+ Über die ´UFO Update - Toronto´-eMail-Liste vermerkte Steve Sawyer dazu und zu den ganzen UFO-Gedöns der letzten Zeit wegen nicht-erkannten, nachgerüsteten LED-Lichtern-Modellflieger: "... LED kits for various RC flying aircraft and mini-helicopters are becoming quite popular ... There were a series of incidents. It turns out, in every case about and followed up on, including one incident where a curious witness got in their car and drove toward the area where the lights were seen, that these were all RC controlled hobbyist small helicopter and aircraft models equipped with LED rigs of both off the shelf purchased variety and some more sophisticated models with custom, programmable-in- flight LED systems on-board. I´m familiar with this syndrome, of initial misidentification."

Wiederkehr der Ghost-Rockets, jetzt in Amerika

Das ´Wall Street Journal´ ( http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100... ) hatte heute diese Storie drauf:

>Pentagon Probes Mystery ´Missile´

Military officials continued to investigate on Tuesday a television news report that a missile had been fired off the coast of Southern California. Spokespeople from the various military services and agencies denied the missile was theirs.

A video that appears to show a missile launch off the coast of California is so far "unexplained" by anyone in the military, Pentagon officials say, but insist that there was "no threat to the homeland". But Col. David Lapan, the Pentagon spokesman, said he was not yet able to definitively rule out Defense Department responsibility for the contrail shown on the television report. "We are still pulling every string we can to determine where this contrail came from," he said.

Still, Defense officials voiced skepticism privately that a missile was actually fired. Although the contrails could have come from an unauthorized private rocket or college prank, some defense officials dismissed that possibility. Sensitive military radar are able to track rocket launches throughout the world. Those systems did not detect anything, officials said. A spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command said there was no threat from the contrail. "At this time, we are unable to provide specific details, but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event," Navy Lt. Desmond James, a NORAD spokesman, said in a statement. "We can confirm that there is no threat to our nation, and from all indications this was not a launch by a foreign military."

Although the contrail showed in the video looks like a missile or rocket launch, it could have come from a plane. Some defense officials also speculated the video could have an incorrect date stamp, and the pictures could show an earlier rocket launch from Vandenburg Air Force Base.<

+ Auch CNN ( http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/11/09/ca... ) war bei der Geschichte um die geheimnisvolle Rakete dabei:

>The Pentagon is unable to explain images of what appears to be a high-altitude rocket or missile launched off the coast of southern California at sunset Monday, officials said.

The Pentagon and the North American Aerospace Defense Command were investigating video shot by a news helicopter operated by CNN affiliate KCBS/KCAL - http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2010... - showing an ascending orange-colored contrail high into the atmosphere, officials said. A contrail is the visible vapor trail behind airplanes or rockets traveling at high altitudes. The Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and California Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Jane Harman -- whose coastal districts are closest to the offshore contrails -- were at a loss to explain the images. "The FAA ran radar replays of a large area west of Los Angeles based on media reports of the possible missile launch at approximately 5 p.m. (PT) on Monday. The radar replays did not reveal any fast moving, unidentified targets in that area," said FAA spokesman Ian Gregor. "The FAA did not receive reports ... of unusual sightings from pilots who were flying in the area on Monday afternoon.

Mystery launch off California

"The FAA did not approve any commercial space launches around the area Monday," he added. Col. Dave Lapan, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said Tuesday morning that authorities were "still trying to find out what that contrail off the coast of southern California was caused by, whether it was commercial, whatever reasons there might be. Sometimes we don´t find these things out in a timely manner," he added. "Right now, all indications are that it was not [Department of Defense] involvement." Lapan said the North American Aerospace Defense Command reported that it could not provide specific details, but that various agencies are trying to find out what happened.

"I don´t know specifically what they are all doing. I just know they have been pinged and that we are talking to the FAA, we are talking to other parts of the U.S. government. We are trying to do everything we can to figure out if anybody has any knowledge of what this event may have been," Lapan said in off-camera comments to journalists. "So far we have come up empty," he added.<

Siehe dazu auch diesen amerikanischen TV-Nachrichten-Beitrag unter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_3m... . Klar, dies ist ein echter Raketenstart (keine Silvesterrakete wohlgemerkt!) und kein "Fire in the Sky"-Phänomen aus der Chemtrail-Schublade, wie im Januar aus Neufundland, siehe z.B. http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... .

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