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Washington: Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots

EXTRA - Extra! Wir sehen einmal mehr ´the UFO phenomenon is real, not imaginary´/Wenn dies Mao gewusst hätte - Amerikanische Atomwaffensilos-UFOs sind Thema im chinesischen TV!

Dienstag-Morgen-CENAP-Sonderreport, der 28.September 2010 - nach den Breaking News zur PK in Washington vergangene Nacht überschlagen sich weiter die Ereignisse.

Wir leben schon mal wieder in verrückt-aufregenden Tagen der puren Exologie mit Headlines wie "UFOs: Nukes aren´t Safe from Aliens say USAF Officers" oder "ET phone UN".

Are we about to get full disclosure about the presence of UFOs on Earth?

Über Nacht hatte sich die Nachricht weiter ausgebreitet und die britische Presse war dick dabei. MSNC ( http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_new... ) meldete: "Aliens have landed ... in the headlines". CNN ( http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/2... ) war mit "UFOs eyed nukes, ex-Air Force personnel say" dabei und betonte noch einmal: "The Air Force investigated UFOs from 1948 to 1969 under a program eventually called Project Blue Book. The service, on its website, says the project concluded that ´no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security.´ It also says there has been ´no evidence that sightings categorized as ´unidentified´ are extraterrestrial vehicles.´" Und UFO-Exologe Salas: "... said the UFO phenomenon ´is real, not imaginary. There is current excessive secrecy in our government surrounding this phenomenon´. A reporter asked how many of the former military personnel subscribed to Hastings´ theory that the message of extraterrestrials is that humans should get rid of nuclear weapons, and how many of them believed that we should get rid of nukes. Of the seven, it appeared that only Salas raised his hand." Das Video zur PK von CNN finden Sie unter http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-496... .

Auch im chinesischen Fernsehen, dem Nachrichtensender CCTV, wurde über diese Angelegenheit berichtet - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZCP... .

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