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UFOs: Amazing - aber von wegen ´Strange Phenomenon´! Überall IFOs unterwegs!

UFO-Agenda 2010 - Es ist soweit: Spaceship invasion nothing but hot air! Alien invasion a high-spirited prank! - The truth is out there: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it´s just a Chinese lantern!

Donnerstag, der 18.Februar 2010. Wie schaut es auf der ´besten´ Linie aus? Was gibt es wieder an Grenzwertigem nach dem gestrigen Geschehen in der UFO-Achterbahnfahrt? Sie wissen ja, abgedrehte UFOlogisierte nennen dies selbst immer gerne aus ihrer eigenen Ahnungslosigkeit und Bedeutungslosigkeit "belangloser, bekloppter CENAP-Quatsch" um die Bedeutung runterzuhandeln, als wenn wir hier auf dem Abwrack-´Parkplatz´ vor dem ufologischen Schrotthaufen wären. Was ganz eindeutig auch so gesehen stimmt - und was auch nicht wirklich schade ist! Und dann kam dies hoch, ganz medial hoch:

Inselsituation: Die 5.Ladung und nicht das Fünfte Element!

"Was hat es nur mit dem Zeugs auf sich?", fragte sich zu Anfang der ´Flying Saucer´-Hysterie in den 1950er Jahren der englische Premier Churchhill - Nun hieß es wieder entsprechenden der dortigen UFO-Popkultur: Heißes UFO-Medien-Pflaster England!

Ausgerechnet mit der ´Times´ beginnt der neue UFO-Spuk der mich schon kurz nach Mitternacht (Gespensterstunde) elektrisierte und für zwei Stunden band {schließlich verschickte ich gleichmal CENAP-Intern die ersten Infos dazu rundum, Ehrensache!), weil das MoD über das National Archiv sich wieder von einer Batterie UFO-Berichten turnusmässig absetzte. Sie setzte die Meldung "UFO close encounters laid bare as ´X-Files´ released by records office" ( http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne... ) in der nachnarrischen Zeit auf und berichtete:

>Super-fast spacecraft and a giant, humming triangle hovering above the house of Michael Howard, the former Home Secretary, feature in the latest release of UFO-related files at the Public Records Office. Almost 6,000 pages of declassified files are released online today, the majority covering 1994 to 2000. Many sightings contained crude drawings. Among the most puzzling of reports listed was an object tracked moving at more than 1,000 knots by Prestwick airport in 1999. Equally mystifying were UFO sightings by police over the North Sea near Lincolnshire, and a British Airways 737 that reported a near-miss with a mysterious object in January 1995, while there were more than 600 reported sightings of unexplained objects over what was dubbed the ´Bonnybridge Triangle´ in Scotland between 1995 and 1997.

Alongside reports of unexplained lights or mysterious craft, some witnesses claim to have had direct interaction with UFOs. Ministry of Defence scientists have concluded that UFOs have not visited the earth, in spite of the many sightings reported in Britain last autumn. In one unexplained episode from 27th January 27, 1997, South Wales Police reported claims of a UFO encounter by a driver in Ebbw Vale. The man claimed that his car was enveloped in a "tube of light" which hovered over it for five minutes. During this time his radio and mobile phone ceased to work. The report said the man´s car was left covered in "dust and dirt". The report goes on: "He felt and was indeed sick later on. He is still feeling ill today [28/1/97] and has developed a skin condition. Advised to see doctor." In March 1997 a man in Kingstanding, Birmingham, reported a 200ft triangle over his back garden. The hovering object caused dogs to bark, he said, before accelerating into the sky. It left a "silky white substance" on garden trees which the man collected in a jam jar. What became of the jam jar´s contents is not reported.

Several people reported a triangular, "humming" UFO near Mr Howard´s home in Kent on March 8, 1997. The incident provoked government correspondence, local newspaper reports and an RAF investigation. MoD correspondence concluded: "Although the MoD has received reports of an alleged ´UFO´ sighting near Michael Howard´s home on March 8, 1997, MoD Air Defence staff have confirmed that there is no evidence to suggest any unauthorised incursion of the UK Air Defence Region on that date."

David Clarke, a consultant on the new files from Sheffield Hallam University, noted that UFOs had altered over time, from cigar-shaped objects to flying saucers to triangles reminiscent of The X-Files. He said: "I think either aliens are watching our telly and adapting their aircraft accordingly or people are seeing these things in popular culture and adapting them in their own imagination {!!!}." Dr Clarke said that some UFO reports defied conventional explanation but suggested that they were more likely to be unknown natural phenomena than alien craft.

Amongst the files released yesterday are several references to camera footage shot by RAF fighters in the 1950s which shows strange balls of fire or plasma near aircraft that the Ministry of Defence and meteorological officials could not explain. However, the footage has since been mysteriously lost.<

Eine ´Developing Story´ in meiner Studierstube, welche wieder einmal zum CTU-Situation Room wurde; war schon wieder mal adrenalingepeitscher Neugierigkeitswahnsinn klar des Forschergeistes, da muss man sein Ding einfach durchziehen - und das ist dann nichts wg Uhrzeiten für Warmduscher! Amazing... - Weil, das Volk will doch eh die Wahrheit hören, geradezu mit Thrill enthüllt bekommen! Und die UFOlogisierten sowieso, naja dieser Schenkelklopfer musste sein!

Sie sind einfach so schön im ´X-Files´-Fieber..., die UFO-Legenden-Abenteuer{er} auch in den Medien.. Wieder wurde die mediale Büchse der Pandora ganz satt zum letzten großen Ausschlachtfest des Themas geöffnet, obwohl der MoD-UFO-Schreibtisch der Königin vom akuellen Geschehen abgeklemmt ist, die Bürofunzel aus, das Personal an der Taliban-Front. Bevor das Thema ganz abkühlte, wurde es nochmals mächtig von den Brit-UFO-Medien aufgeheizt!

Aber zurück zu den "Government X Files"!

Siehe so auch den ´Scotsman´ ( http://news.scotsman.com/scotland/I... ) mit seinem reichlich-illustrierten Artikel "In pictures: The Toblerone that came from outer space, and other UFO sightings". In der ´Daily Star´ ( http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/vie... ging es dazu und dagegen verhältnismässig brav zu: "COP SPOTS UFO OVER CHELSEA FOOTBALL CLUB". Hier wird der britische UFO-Opportunist Nr.1 auch genannt: "UFO expert Nick Pope, who used to work for the MoD, said: ´The X Files was hugely popular during the period covered by these files, but these are the real-life X Files.´" Wer hätte sich dies auch anders gedacht, wenn auf das Pope-Knöpfchen gedrückt wird? Auch der ´Daily Express´ ( http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view... ) war mit der Headline "UFOS: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE WEIRD KIND" an diesem Morgen am Kiosk ausgelegen. Die ´Daily Mail´ ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art... ) setzte die Headline "Revealed: Probe ordered into UFOs coming for Michael Howard...well, there IS something of the night about him" auf. Der Artikel führte aus: "It wasn´t just Tony Blair and New Labour that Michael Howard had to worry about in the run-up to the 1997 general election. It was aliens, too. Several witnesses insisted that they saw a UFO over the then Home Secretary´s home less than two months before his Tory Party was crushed at the polls...." Soweit hörte sich dies aufregend an, aber - wie dies immer so mit dem aber ist, Michael Howard hatte mit der Sache gar nichts zu tun und nur andere Zeuge waren angeblich Zeuge wie ein "large triangular craft, double the size of a jumbo jet, was hovering 1,000ft above the house near Folkestone, Kent" geschätzt dahinzog. Und zunächst haben die Personalschutz-Sicherheitsbehörden die Untersuchung vorgenommen, sondern irgendein UFOlogie wurd evon den angeblichen Zeugen von der Geschichte ´informiert´: "...Chris Rolfe, from UFO Monitoring East Kent, investigated the sighting on March 8 1997 and submitted a detailed report to the government warning that aliens may have been tracking the Home Secretary." Danach erst kam dies zustande: "The RAF launched a investigation into the sighting but found nothing to explain it {doch was heißt dies, es kommt noch raus!}. The Air Defence inquiry said there was ´no such security incident´ involving Mr Howard or and ´no such military activity reported anywhere, and, specifically, in the Kent/Folkestone area´. The report added: ´Additional inquiries have confirmed that no unusual or unauthorised air activity, civil or military, was reported or observed in that area on that date.´ MoD responses to queries related to the sighting said there was ´no evidence´ to suggest a security breach...."

Alles halb und noch weniger wild als es wieder verkauft wird!

Die schottische SUN ( http://www.thesun.co.uk/scotsol/hom... ) haute auch gleich zu: "The Scottish X-Files" und wie wir wieder sattsam übertrieben hören: "...UFO expert Nick Pope - who investigated unidentified threats for the MoD..." Und weil es bekanntlich "hundreds of mysterious UFO reports every year" gibt, waren die herzensehrlichen und dazu noch extrem uneigennützigen Redaktionisten der SUN aufopferungsvoll genug, um..."The Sun launched a new national X-Files in December after the MoD ditched its UFO investigating team. .... demanding ´the truth´". Wie toll oder tollwütig. "UFOs spotted in Kingstanding and Black Country, MoD files reveal" hieß es bei der ´The Birmingham Post´ ( http://www.birminghampost.net/news/... ), die auch ausführte: "...They are just two of hundreds of bizarre reports received by the police, military and Government, suggesting that the truth might be out there after all. This fifth instalment released under a three-year project between the MoD and The National Archives consists of 24 files of sightings, letters and Parliamentary Questions." ITV schnappte sich gleich Nick Pope - http://itn.co.uk/c275566e19bcf46459... {inzwischen auch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryRE... } - für den Beitrag "Government files reveal new UFO sightings".

David Clarke beim BBC-Morgen-TV - jetzt gehts weiter mit dem "belanglosen, bekloppten CENAP-Quatsch":

Noch in der Nacht meldete sich David Clarke (DC) intern über die ´Projekt 1947´-Liste mit der eMail "UFO files released by UK National Archives". Mehr Hintergründiges zu der neuen UFO-Papierekram-Aktenladung gab er auf seinem Blog unter http://drdavidclarke.blogspot.com/ bekannt - Achtung: Jetzt wird es wieder aus Verständnisgründen sehr wichtig:

"...There are 24 files in this tranche containing more than 6,000 pages of documents spanning 1994-2000. The correspondence files span the period 1994-99 and the UFO report files begin in August 1996 and end in September 2000. 1996 was one of the busiest years for UFO reporting, with 609 incidents logged by the MoD. The popularity of the subject, encouraged by TV, films and media hype, continued into 1997 when 425 reports were received. But from that point there was a steady decline in reporting, with 193 incidents in 1998, 228 in 1999 and 210 in 2000. ... It is important to note that most of these reports should not be regarded as ´UFOs´, as few if any were investigated or followed up to the stage at which it was possible to eliminate even the most basic explanations. An Air Ministry study in 1955 found that 90% of sightings they received at that time could be explained if inquiries were made before the scent went cold. ... By 1996 when these MoD files were compiled, few of the incidents were investigated thoroughly and even the most interesting were simply filed away. This was due to lack of time and resources, as desk officers were distracted dealing with correspondence with UFOlogists and members of the public who believed they were hiding facts about alien visitors..."

Sie - die Bestimmen aus den Grenzwissenschafts-Outer Limits - werden es wieder wegen der Wirklichkeit der Demystifizierung hassen... - und daher "belanglose und bekloppt" nennen!

Doch dies ist es noch nicht ganz was über die ´UFO-Industrie´ frustriert und desillusioniert, wie üblich halt eben, DC führt weiter quasi "belangloser, bekloppter CENAP-Quatsch" aus:

"- ...Unusual phenomena seen on radar are oft-cited by UFOlogists as examples of hard evidence for the existence of ´structured craft of unknown origin.´ The key radar case in these papers occurred during a UFO flap over East Anglia on 5 October 1996. Police reported seeing flashing coloured lights over The Wash and alerted the coastguard, who contacted the RAF. This call led radar operators to link the UFO scare with an unidentified ´blip´ they could see hovering above Boston in Lincolnshire. But as this ´UFO´ did not move for nine hours - until dawn broke - cool observation confirmed it was a "permanent echo" caused by the 273ft (83m) spire of St Botolph´s Church, known locally as Boston Stump. The lights seen and captured on video by the police (still taken from police video - above right) were easily explained as bright stars which faded in the dawn sky. This illustrates how easy it is, even for experienced operators, to misinterpret natural phenomena seen on radar as something extraordinary, particularly when a UFO flap is underway...

- Physical Evidence? In March 1997 mysterious ´angel hair´ was dumped by a UFO on a suburban garden in Birmingham. Angel hair is a cobweb or jelly-like substance that drops from UFOs and has also been reported during experiences with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Like fairy food and ectoplasm it quickly evaporates before it can be examined. In this case the observer was alerted by barking dogs to the presence of a large blue triangular-shaped object hovering silently over his garden at 4 AM one morning. As he went outside the UFO suddenly shot off into sky and disappeared, leaving behind ´a silky-white substance on the tree-tops´, some of which he collected inside a jam jar. There is nothing in the file to suggest MoD were interested in obtaining this sample for further analysis. This became just another routine call logged by the UFO desk and forgotten about. ...

- Some UFOlogists are obsessive letter-writers and this release contains a number of files dealing with ´persistent correspondents´ who have plagued the MoD and politicians with demands for information about UFOs. ... for instance, runs to 318 pages of correspondence between a Welsh UFOlogist, Dr Colin Ridyard, and the MoD. His campaign began in 1996 and ended in 2000 when Ridyard made an official complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman after his requests for disclosure of UFO documents were refused. During these four years Ridyard wrote 35 letters to the MoD, encouraged his MP to submit three Parliamentary Enquiries and organised a petition that was submitted to the House of Commons. ... a full postbag from UFO believers when he enters Downing Street in May {1997 - kein Wundern wenn so 6.000 Seiten zusammenkommen!};

- Nick Pope. In 1995 former MoD desk officer Nick Pope announced he had become a believer in UFOs and alien abductions. Whilst still a MoD employee, he published a book and interviews appeared in a number of national newspapers including the ´Daily Mail´. As a result, in 1996 a member of the public quizzed the MoD on how they could justify their dismissive policy towards UFOs when one of their own officials was openly claiming there was evidence that UK airspace had been penetrated by ET craft. MoD stonewalled this perfectly reasonable question and told the inquirer that Pope´s statements were his own personal views and did not reflect MoD policy. ... file contains correspondence between the Spanish UFOlogist Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and the MoD´s UFO desk officer Nick Pope concerning a flap of UFO reports over the UK in the early hours of 31 March 1993. This has subsequently become known as the Cosford Incident and is cited by Pope as the one unexplained case that helped to transform him from a skeptic to a believer in the existence of UFOs piloted by extraterrestrials. However, this file shows that Ballester Olmos supplied Pope with a comprehensive explanation for the sightings on 21 March 1994. He enclosed copies of a NORAD statement and computer simulation which shows the UFO was in fact the rocket that launched the Russian ELINT satellite Cosmos 2238. This was confirmed by other sightings made in Ireland and France on the same night, which resulted in a press release by the French CNES Space Agency confirming the Cosmos rocket as the source. In his response to Ballester Olmos dated 6 April 1994, Nick Pope makes the following statement: ´I think it is clear that most of the UFO sightings that occurred on the night in question can be attributed to this event.´ ..."

Da schau mal einer her zu diesem wie immer enthüllenden, entlarvenden sowie für Ideologen mit dem Feenstaub auf dem Dach "belanglosen, bekloppten CENAP-Quatsch" nach Meinung der ufologisierten aus dem Dreamland bei den oder hinter den Outer Limits mit der dortigen Leibspeise namens ´much more Gossip & Entertainment´!!! Anstelle auf die ernsthaften Dinge wie zur ´UFO-Industrie´ die die UFO-Talibans selbst betreiben - siehe "Es gehört zur UFO-Agenda 2010: Die UFO-Forschung - Missing In Action (MIA)", http://cenap.alien.de/cenapnews/zei... - einzusteigen bzw von diesem Quatsch endlich mal aussteigen, nein - anstelle dessen geht es immer weiter und weiter wie es immer schon war. Der Spruch vom "belanglosen, bekloppten CENAP-Quatsch" stammt ja aus diesem agitatorischen (was ja eine andere Form von Aggresionsverhalten ist!) Aberglaubens-Selbstmarketing mit Weihrauch-Charakter gegen die ´Spalter und Feinde der UFOlogie´.

Heute am Morgen war DC in obiger Sache schon bei der BBC - siehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDC-... . Hier betonte DC nochmals, das nur wenige der eingegangenen UFO-Meldungen vom MoD überhaupt mit unterschiedlicher Qualität untersucht wurden, es heißt also nichts wenn soviel Papier gesammelt wurde - dies ist halt die englische Art aufgrund der speziellen, ufologisierten englischen Zivilgesellschaft-Kultur. Hier betonte DC gegenüber den beiden BBC-Gesprächspartner, dass das MoD auch nicht mehr über UFOs wisse "als Sie und ich"... Es ist halt meistens nur Gerede. Bei ITN betonte DC den wichtigen populärkulturellen SF-Filmeinfluss auf die UFO-Legende, siehe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBn5... . Bei GMTV kam Nick Pope zu Worte - siehe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrMq... . Sky News bot gleich eine neue Bilder-Gallerie von Skizzen & Zeichnungen aus den Papieren an: http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK... .

>Was this Notts UFO an alien spacecraft?

Could sketches of a mysterious object which appeared in the sky over Notts be of an alien spaceship? They are among a number drawn by people who have reported UFO sightings to the Ministry of Defence. The MoD has today released previously top secret files to the National Archives, where they are now available to the public. Witnesses saw the star-like object appear over the A46 between Farndon and Newark on June 15, 1994. It initially appeared as a single light, but then changed in shape to show four white lights.

Dr Dave Clarke, an expert in UFO history and consultant to the National Archives for the ongoing release of the MoD´s UFO files, said of the Newark sighting: "The most likely explanations are the usual things {!!!}. It could have been an aircraft coming in to land or a bright star or planet. There were quite a few incidents in the 1990s where pubs, clubs and rock concerts were using searchlights and shining them on the clouds and people saw them and thought there was something flying around in the sky. The most unlikely thing it would be is an alien spacecraft in my opinion. When people check things out, 99% of the time it turns out to be something ordinary."

This fifth online UFO release is the largest to date, containing 24 files and totalling more 6,000 pages of material, spanning from 1994 to 2000. The release also highlights how shapes of reported UFOs have changed over the last half-century. Many reports in the latest file release describe them as big, black and triangular in shape with lights along the edges, while the predominant form in the 1940s and 1950s was saucer or disc-shaped. Dr Clarke said: "In the 1950s the next big leap in technology was thought to be a round craft that took off vertically and it´s intriguing to note that this is the same period when people began to report seeing ´flying saucers´ in the sky. In the period the latest file release covers, triangular-shaped US stealth bombers and Aurora spy planes featured heavily on TV and films and the shape of reported UFOs corresponds."

More recent UFOs in Nottinghamshire seem to have appeared as clusters of bright lights. Four bright lights were spotted over Keyworth on May 31, 2009. On May 19 2009, residents of Broxtowe Estate and Nuthall said they saw a line of lights over the skies of Nottingham. In August 2008, the Evening Post was inundated with calls from people who saw lights floating across the sky in Carlton but they were later said to be Chinese lanterns.<

Nach: ´This is Nottingham´, http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/h...

Das Thema kam auf den Globus und auch CNN ( http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/e... ) war dabei: ´Britain releases new UFO files´. Die bekannte ´New York Daily News´ ( http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wor... ), setzte auf die Headline "British government releases UFO documents; 6,000 pages of sightings!" Die Storie dazu war pfeffrig: "Was it an alien space craft or just a blimp? ... The tales found within cover several elaborate sorts of tales, including a woman´s telepathic encounter with bizarre lights, as well as one man´s detailed report of a ´spherical´ object captured on video. With each report received, the Ministry of Defence often had the same response. ´Our only concern is to establish whether or not they pose a threat to the security of the United Kingdom,´ stated one letter in 1994 {und sollte wohl mit ´ansonsten Leck uns an der Themse´ enden; wegweisend}..." Am frühen Vormittag kam die Story auch über AP in London zu uns:

>Britischer Polizist meldet Außerirdische über Fußballstadion

London (apn) Der Londoner Fußballclub Chelsea hat möglicherweise Fans aus fremden Galaxien: Ein britischer Polizist meldete vor gut zehn Jahren die Sichtung eines UFOs über dem von Chelsea benutzten Stadion Stamford Bridge, wie aus am Donnerstag veröffentlichten militärischen Unterlagen hervorgeht. Über den Rasen seien geräuschlos helle gelbe Lichter hinweggeflogen, gab der Augenzeuge demnach an. Sie bildeten seiner Aussage zufolge zunächst eine quadratische und dann eine rautenförmige Formation, bevor sie verschwanden.

Der Bericht über die angebliche UFO-Sichtung von 10. März 1999 ist Teil von mehr als 6.000 Seiten bislang geheimen Materials, das am Donnerstag vom britischen Verteidigungsministerium freigegeben wurde.<

Nach: http://de.news.yahoo.com/1/20100218... .

Und so entstanden erste fußballbezogene UFO-Schlagzeilen wie "Weite Anreise: UFO über Stadion des FC Chelsea?" bei der ´´BZ´ ( http://www.bz-berlin.de/sport/fussb... ) scheinbar nach dem witzigen Fußballer-Motto "Der Ball ist rund!" - UFOs auch. Dann kam unter einem nicht-sportlichen Blickwinkel die Sache auf die Reihe, so wie bei der ´Münsterländische Volkszeitung´ ( http://www.mv-online.de/aktuelles/a... }:

>Neue UFO-Akten in Großbritannien veröffentlicht

London - Sie leuchten, sie sind unheimlich und sie suchen vor allem Großbritannien heim: UFOs. Das Verteidigungsministerium in London hat erneut Akten über UFO-Sichtungen und angebliche Begegnungen mit Außerirdischen veröffentlicht. Demnach sind im Königreich in den Jahren von 1994 bis 2000 Hunderte der "Nicht identifizierten fliegenden Objekte" (Unidentified Flying Objects/UFO) gesichtet worden. Ein Zeuge mag dabei ein UFO über dem Londoner Fußball-Club Chelsea entdeckt haben, ein anderer eines über dem Haus eines ehemaligen Innenministers.

Ein Mann erzählte der Polizei, wie er 1997 einen Hautausschlag bekommen habe, weil ein ungeheuerliches "Lichtrohr" sein Auto umhüllt hatte. Ein anderer Zeuge gab an, im selben Jahr ein blaues Dreieck über seinem Garten erkannt zu haben. Dieses habe auf den Bäumen eine "seidige weiße" Substanz hinterlassen, die er dann in einem Marmeladenglas aufbewahrte. Ein weiterer will ein UFO in Form einer Toblerone-Schokolade gesehen haben.

Ein anderes Dokument zeigt, dass auch der ehemalige Premier Winston Churchill Interesse an fliegenden Untertassen entwickelt hatte. Demnach wies er Mitarbeiter an, ihn über die Objekte aufzuklären. In einer Antwort hieß es, UFO ließen sich folgendermaßen erklären: Es handle sich entweder um ein meteorologisches Phänomen, um Flugzeuge, optische Täuschung oder schlicht und einfach um einen Scherz. Die Akten aus dem Ministerium und dem Nationalarchiv enthalten auch Zeichnungen. Die Experten sehen darin Beweise, wie sich die Form von UFOs in den letzten Jahrzehnten verändert hat - gemäß ihrer Darstellung in der Popkultur. Viele UFOs in den jetzigen Dokumenten sind groß, schwarz und dreieckig, während sie in den 40er und 50er Jahren eher wie eine Scheibe oder Untertasse gezeichnet wurden.

Das Ministerium hatte bereits mehrere Akten zu UFO-Sichtungen publik gemacht. Die jetzige Veröffentlichung ist die fünfte innerhalb eines größeren Projekts.<

Was für ein Luftschlag mal wieder. Als ich dann bis in den Nachmittag hinein sah, dass die deutsche Betrachtung des Themas wieder mal arg und KEIN "kleines Aufsehen" war, gab ich eine PM namens "Neue Ladung ´UFO-Akten´ in England gesichtet - UFO-Forscher jenseits des Kanals sind aber gar nicht aufgeregt!" auf kleiner Tour aus, nachdem ich heute am frühen Vormittag bereits den Breakingnews-Parallel-Artikel im Tagebuch einsetzte, damit bereits Basisinfos bereitstanden, um die Situation für Außenstehende zu verstehen und sich vollständig einzuarbeiten. Da brauchte keiner zu jammern und sich alleingelassen sowie überfordert fühlen, wenn es ihm um objektive Hintergründe zu einer Übersichtsbetrachtung ging!

Kurz vor 19:30 h sah ich erstmals bei BBC-World einen ca Zweiminüter zur Sache, der mir aus einer größeren Sache kurz zusammengeschnitten schien. Zu dieser Zeit auch tauchte dieser Videomitschitt von einer ITV-Nachrichtensendung auf - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VtU... . Getrennt mit Clarke/Pope.

UFOs in der Alien-Nation England heutzutage..., aber nur als kleines Aufsehen...

>Another sighting of Llanelli UFO

Another witness has come forward to say she spotted an unidentified flying object, which looked like an orange ball, flying through the sky over Llanelli on Saturday night. Mrs Jill Williams, a 48-year-old nurse, of Sandy Road, described the object in the sky as "like a tangerine". She said it was bright, and at first she thought it was a helicopter. "I can´t decide whether it was low or in space like another planet. I thought it was really weird," said Mrs Williams. "I can´t understand with something like this, that other people hadn´t seen it." Mrs Williams added: "It was a perfect, bright orange, no-nonsense flashing lights, but a perfect round circle, very bright."

Earlier this week Llanelli taxi driver Bob Hinton described seeing a "brilliant, absolutely brilliant orange light" coming from due north and heading south overhead near the railway station. He said: "It was going about 6,000 miles an hour." The strange sight was spotted at around 8.10pm on Saturday night. One Post reader, who has asked not to be named, said the object was "highly likely to have been the international space station which was in view for a maximum of 20 seconds depending upon cloud cover, at 8.13pm on Saturday, travelling North North West to South. "Whilst the space station does not emit light it reflects the suns glow, and is often viewed as an orange-coloured ball which moves across the sky at high speed (average 17,227 miles per hour) as it orbits the earth 15 times a day."<

Erste Leserkommentare dazu, von wegen ISS: "I saw this!! In Uplands on Monday night I think it was. I thought it was something on fire at first as it was descending, but then it started moving horizontally towards the city centre... It looked just like a round ball of fire. It was VERY strange." - "Sounds to me like another of those chinese lanterns, in the distance they are round and orange and move slowly untill they just cant be seen any more, they dont go very high but high enough to think it is something odd..." - "Well that seems to explain it."

Nach: ´South Wales Evening Post´, http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/s...

>UFOs spotted above Tescos in Aylesbury

Shoppers at Tesco Tring Road in Aylesbury were left baffled yesterday (Wednesday) evening when a fleet of UFOs flew over them.

John Coombes, who was in the carpark at around 6pm, said several people stopped to watch the 20-30ft long, bright cylinder objects which filled the sky. He said: "They had a bright, whitish light and there was no noise at all. There was over a dozen of them and they were flying in formation. They were two or three hundred feet high. There was seemed to be no vehicle above the light," he continued.

Chinese lanterns, which generally have an orange glow, are sometimes mistaken for UFOs. The lanterns are likely to be especially prominent at the moment, with this week seeing the celebration of Chinese New Year. However, Mr Coombes added: "These were not orange and they seemed to be flying in formation, not straight up. I didn´t think it was a lantern or balloon or anything like that. They were long and flying in a line, a lantern would go straight up, surely? I don´t know what it was, it was just weird. I really don´t know. I don´t know whether it was a training exercise, night flying with the RAF, I really couldn´t say."

The spotting come vas the Ministry of Defence released new files on UFO sightings. Included was a ´humming´´ object, the size of two passenger planes, seen near Michael Howard´s home near Folkestone on March 8 1997, when he was serving as home secretary for the Conservative government.

Did you see the UFOs or believe you know what they were? Please use the comment button below. If you have photographs of them, please send them to [email protected]<

Nach: ´The Bucks Herald´, http://www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/U...

Das neue IFO-Brauchtum für Feiern und Partys etc pp was ganz leicht zu UFOs wird

>Corrie´s Dev backs Amy charity ball

A Valentine´s bikers´ ball held in memory of a murdered teenage model raised more than ?10,500. ... All women at the event were given a pink roses and 150 chinese lanterns were released into the sky at midnight.<

Nach: ´This is Lancashire´, http://www.thisislancashire.co.uk/n...

Um was es hier geht, sind diese "belanglosen und bekloppten" UFO-Dinger, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m56f... - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH_V... , mit dem ungeheuren UFO-Potenzial rund um den Globus!

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