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Das polarisiert einfach: 35 Jahre (mit) CENAP in Old Germany!

Der ufomagische Garn wird an anderer Stelle, der Konservativ-UFOlogie und ihren Blendern in der SF-Alien-´Götterastronauten´-Götzendämmerung, weitergesponnen

Mittwoch, der 2.März 2011 - wir kommen immer mehr schmerzbefreit der heißen Kampagnen-Zeit näher. Jetzt setzt der Feiermonat von CENAP und für unsere Fanbase ein*. ;-) Sie wissen ja - CENAP, hier gilt auch für Sie die Mission Wissen weltweit.

* = Wir werden da natürlich keine große Schau mit den GOLDEN KNIGHTS oder BLACK DAGGERS machen, wie wir gestern schon ausführten. Auch geht da nicht der OTTO { http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU-e... } oder dem FAT ALBERT { http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3UM... ; dass die Burschen total durchgeknallt sind wissen wir ja - und dieses Weihnachts-Video beweist es schon wieder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZSP... } wie bei den ´Blue Angels´ ab. IFO-Action die NIE und NIMMER nach Old Germany kommen darf, auch wenn es heißt: "Do Someting Amazing" - und zu uns ideal passen würde!

+ Was war dies gestern wieder für ein herrlicher Tag gewesen. Und dies alles, wo ´Battle: Los Angeles´ so nach und nach von SONY ab dem 11.März über die Welt invasionsartig nach Hollywood-SF-Action-Erfindungen kommt. Sie wissen ja - Dank uns - bestens Bescheid, einfach wie immer. Da ist wieder die Kaliberfrage automatisch im Spiel, auch rund um das Thema "Hardcore-Alt-UFOlogie" versus Neo-UFO-Phänomen-Erforschung mit Vorsatz. Sauber.

UFOs und ihre UFOlogie - Mehr Schein als Sein: Fassade ist (fast) alles, ´alles´ ist Schau!

UFO-Stimmung am gestrigen Abend am Himmel von Deutsch{e}land, Ahio!

Das Beweisvideo "UFO Sichtung am 01.03.2011" soll dafür herhalten - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UITE... . Natürlich ohne Richtungsangabe bei dem Wackelvideo; Ortsangabe schon gar nicht. Einzig elementare Frage für uns: Kommt das UFO vom Jupp oder vom Hundestern...?

UFO-Imagefragen: Hätten Sie die IFOs erkannt?

Heute wurde das Video "Objects that are not UFO´s" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2fC... - aufgespielt; tolle Idee.

+ Es wird einmal (bald!) in Amerika sein: ´Battle: Los Angeles´ kommt immer näher/´Battle: Los Angeles´: The Fight Comes to World - ´Battle: Los Angeles´ opens March 11th! +

New ´Battle: Los Angeles´ Movie Clip

Es wird immer heißer in Sachen Hollywood´s Battlefield L.A. sowie UFOs als das magische Garn - "They Know We Are Here Now", siehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXE9... .

"Flora UFO Sightings Remain Unexplained - Witness Describes 1977 Experience"...

...meldete heute ABC-Regional ( http://www.wapt.com/news/27042159/d... {der TV-Nachrichtenbeitrag ist auch unter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrwU... aufzufinden):

>Flora, Miss. -- One of the most famous UFO sightings in the world {! - ??? -- haben Sie schon mal etwas von diesem UFO-Fall gehört; wir jedenfallls nicht} happened in Mississippi. On Feb. 10, 1977, nearly two dozen law enforcement officers witnessed a giant floating object above the tree line in a cotton field off a rural Madison County road near Flora. A former deputy who said he saw the UFO told his story to WAPT´s Darren Dedo. The deputy wanted his identity to be protected, so for the story, Dedo called him Joe.

"I´ll tell you what though, most of them around here, you don´t realize how many people have had a close encounter with what this is," Joe said. "It was approximately 15 to 18 feet off the ground, blue in color, kind of metallic blue, portholes around the center of it, shaped like an old spinning top kids use to use." Madison County sheriff´s Deputy Kenny Creel was also there that night. His description of what happened made the Flora incident world-famous. Three decades later, his cousin, Michael Creel, said the deputy is tight lipped about it. "He didn´t really talk about it anymore. He said if he knew it was going to cause such a ruckus, he would have never said anything about it," Michael Creel said. Dedo spoke with Kenny Creel about the UFO he supposedly saw some 34 years ago. He didn´t want to go on camera, but he did tell Dedo by phone that he actually made the whole thing up -- that it was some kind of a joke. But, others aren´t so sure about that.

Joe believes Kenny Creel clammed up after the "feds" put the heat on him. "The CIA {???} told him that he didn´t need to talk about it no more," Joe said. "They didn´t want it out. I´m not sure what kind of threats were made." Local UFO researcher Patrick Frascogna has launched a new investigation of the 1977 Flora sightings. "The initial sighting was Kenny Creel´s and James Ray Luke," Frascogna said. "These are credible witnesses in law enforcement." Joe said people are still seeing UFOs around Flora. In January, he took a picture of something in the sky. He said the sightings are a town secret. "It´s one of those things folks just don´t like to talk about," Joe said.

The Flora sightings will be a topic at the upcoming Mississippi UFO Conference, of which 16 WAPT is a sponsor and Dedo is hosting. The conference will be held April 16 at the Jackson Convention Center. Admission is $5 at the door. More information can be found at the conference website: http://msufo.com/ & http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/ca... .<

Australien-UFOs: "Mystery lights up Coast skies"

>Several Maryborough residents have come forward this week with similar reports of UFO sightings above the city. Described as "bright orange lights twice the size of evening stars", the flying objects were spotted last Thursday night.

Peta Duggan and her partner were travelling along Kent St in Newtown at 8.30pm when they say they saw five orange lights. "I looked up and saw what I thought was a pole with orange lights. Then I realised there were no poles with orange lights around there and slowed the car down to get a better look. We saw five lights in the sky, three fairly close together and two further down to the horizon. They started to move and spread out. One of the lights fizzled out - it was like a fire ember - and the rest disappeared out of sight." Ms Duggan said the orange lights were silent. "What we thought was strange was that they weren´t really glowing like shining lights, but more like orange, round embers." Ms Duggan said while her partner tried to film the spectacle with his mobile phone, the lights did not show up on the footage.

Newtown resident Noel reported seeing a similar scene in the sky on Thursday night. "There was a bright orange light about twice the size of an evening star," he said. "It was travelling south-east to north-west and on two occasions it sparked." Sarah, another Newtown resident, saw two orange lights. "They were really big and looked like they were travelling with the wind. One fizzled out and the other kept travelling upwards." After some consideration, Sarah said she believed the lights could have been lanterns released by residents celebrating the Chinese New Year. The Chinese often release paper lanterns to celebrate the new year - but the lunar new year was February 3.

Ms Duggan said she wondered whether the lights had anything to do with the space shuttle Discovery, which was launched in Florida on Thursday. "I´ve never seen such a strange colour and movement in the sky before," Ms Duggan said. "I´m very curious whether anyone else saw this orange display and what it was," she said.

BELIEVE IT OR NOT {es geht auf ´Battle: Los Angeles´ zu}: There is an average 70,000 UFO sightings reported worldwide each year, an average of 192 a day. The first photograph of a UFO was taken in 1883 by an astronomer in Mexico. No UFO has ever been tracked on radar entering the Earth´s atmosphere.<

Nach: ´Fraser Coast Chronicle´, http://www.frasercoastchronicle.com... .

+ Airshow der ´Fliegenden Diamanten´ wird immer beliebter! +

Jetzt auch im Oman - siehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py5x... .

Neuer Verteidigungsminister: Organisator folgt auf Medienstar

+ Kanzlerin Angela Merkel bestätigt Ernennung von Thomas de Maizi?re (CDU) zum Verteidigungsminister - Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) trat mit einer moralisch flexiblen, aber strategisch brillanten Rede ab - und baute so die Trasse zu einem Comeback. Das Missmanagement der Bundeskanzlerin in der Affäre um zu Guttenberg kommt langsam auch beim Bürger an. Dass Merkel schnell ihr Kabinett umgebaut hat, wird ihr kaum helfen. Einen krasseren Gegenentwurf zum Typ des entzauberten Medien-Selbstdarstellers zu Guttenberg hätte Merkel kaum finden können.

+ Extra - Extra: In die Nacht auf den morgigen Tag setzten wir eine Sondernews für Sie als zielorientierter UFO-Phänomen-Interessent auf, weil es ja streng auf Fasching zugeht und die verkaterte UFO-Industrie trotzdem nicht schläft: Thema - "Miau - Miau" aus einem sibirischen UFO für die ´Flugsicherung´...

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